Niki - Argument/ED Part 2

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niki: you guys think i have an eating disorder?

the members looked at niki in panic

jungwon: we are sorry niki, we just thought-

niki: god, so what if i do? im doing this for engene! have you seen me? im huge and ill do whatever it takes to lose weight and how dare you say thta when you have no opinion on what i do

the members didnt know why niki thought of it as such a big deal, they stated the obvious but niki was already storming off. niki left the room to go to his bedroom and he locked the door behind him. the members ran after him.

sunoo: niki bub we are sorry, unlock the door

jake: im sorry for what i said okay, just come out

the members begged niki for a while but with no response, they gave up. the next day they found that niki still hadnt left his room and it was still locked. they still left him alone for breakfast and lunch, but soon realised niki needed to eat as it was almost 48 hours since he last did.

heeseung: niki c'mon, you havent eaten for almost 2 days. just dinner please, we just wanna see your face love.

niki didnt respond, no one knew how to get him out of his room and they let it go. but the next morning they wouldnt. they refused to let niki go without food for 2 days, he was lucky they let him go this far.

jay: niki come out, we arent leaving until you do

jungwon: bub we are serious, this isnt healthy, we miss you.

still no response, at this point they were worried for the worst. some started to tear up, hopin niki would come out by the sounds of their sobs for him. but it didnt phase him. he wouldnt speak to them or leave his room.

time skip to the night

the members had spent the whole day in the house, going and and forth from the living room to Ni-ki's bedroom door.

heeseung: thats it niki. im barging down this door.

the members didnt think heeseung was serious until he started banging against this door with his full body weight. the door shook back and forth, slowly the lock became weak and loose. heeseung warned everyone to stand back before he used the last push. then finally the door burst open. next to the bed, was niki sitting on the floor leaning on the wall. tears had stained his cheeks, he was looking at the floor not being phased by the door opening and his collar bone and wrists seemed more visible, and his cheeks looked hollower. jungwon snapped out of his shock and ran to niki. jungwon crouched down beside niki and caressed his cheeks.

jungwon: oh bubby im sorry

jungwon said as tears ran down his cheeks. niki didnt move, his eyes stayed, looking the floor. jungwon tried to get his attention, but nikis gaze didnt move.

the members still stood in the doorway, shocked of nikis appearance until they finally snapped out of it and surrounded him.

heeseung: niki baby? can you look at us?

niki still didnt look up. jungwon looked at the members and then back at niki before tightly hugging niki. niki finally snapped out of his trance and just buried his head in jungwons shoulder and started to cry. it suddenly turned into a massive group hug. niki broke down and finally spoke.

niki: im sorry guys

this caused all the members to feel bad for their actions. niki was obviously struggling and all they did was scold him.

heeseung: baby you didnt do anything dont worry, we will help you

the members decided it was best to put niki into therapy, and niki went back to a normal diet.

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