Niki - Hate

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//Ni-ki's POV//

Recently, my members and I did a live. There was a cake to celebrate and everything. I wanted to do something and try and blow out the light with my hand. I didn't think it would work but it did. I didn't think of anything until I looked at weverse, twitter etc. I saw comments saying that I was wrong for the candle and apparently, I'm always body shaming Sunoo hyung. People were saying I should leave Enhypen. I don't want to... maybe my members want me to? Maybe they think I'm rude as well. I knew I had to change.

I was scrolling through twitter reading the comments again.

'Ni-ki is so rude, he should leave Enhypen'

'All he does is body shame Sunoo, he's a bully'

'Why is he alive?'

A tear rolled down my cheek, it was the night I decided to fix whatever was wrong with me.

//Reader's POV//

Enhypen woke up early for an interview that they had. They all were ready and started getting into the van. Ni-ki chose the corner seat and dozed off, which usually wouldn't be weird if Ni-ki hadn't been acting strange all morning. That morning, Heeseung said how comfy Ni-ki's hoodie was and then Ni-ki told him to keep it and that it didn't matter to him. Ni-ki had been really quiet and wasn't teasing them like usual.

They arrived at the company, and all got out of the van and walked inside. Ni-ki was still acting distant. Once the interview started, Ni-ki only spoke during their introduction.

Interviewer: Ni-ki! Do you still sleep in the other member's beds?

There was a silence for a second while everyone stared at Ni-ki, waiting for an answer.

Ni-ki: Yeah, sometimes...

The members all noticed his quiet behavior and were concerned. No more questions were asked to Ni-ki for the rest of the interview.

                                                                                            {                    }

After the interview, everyone started to head home, Jungwon specifically keeping an eye on the silent Ni-ki. They arrived home and Jay started to cook dinner for the members. Everyone sat in the living room, talking and laughing. Except Ni-ki, who sat alone in his room. Little did the members know that Ni-ki was once again reading the hate comments and tears were rolling down his cheeks.

After a while, dinner was cooked and served. They called Ni-ki in to eat, but when Ni-ki walked in he simply said 'I'm not hungry, I hope that's okay. Thanks for the food though Jay hyung.' and then walked out. He wasn't acting like the same jokester Ni-ki that he always was. Some of the members briefly mentioned Ni-ki's absence over dinner, making sure everyone took notice of it, and looked out for him.

They all went to sleep, not hearing a word from Ni-ki since he cancelled on dinner. Most of the night, Jungwon stayed awake thinking about Ni-ki. Why was he acting so differently yo how he used to?

//Jungwon's POV//

I fell asleep, thinking of Ni-ki. I'm the leader and it's my job to look out for my members and it was obvious that something was wrong with Ni-ki. The next morning, Jungwon woke the members up, they had a clear schedule except for dance practice which would only last 2 hours in the morning.

They once again sat in the van, the same routine repeating. Ni-ki didn't speak and dozed off while the other members spoke and joked about things. The drive was short, and everyone got out quickly, heading into a familiar building. They walked through the doors and into their practice room. Everyone did well during practice especially Ni-ki.

Heeseung: Ni-ki your good at this choreography!

Ni-ki: Thanks, hyung...

Jungwon noticed Ni-ki's strange reaction to the compliment and noticed that Sunoo and Heeseung were also thinking about the strange interaction. Ni-ki seemed to be very focused on the choreography and no longer focused on talking to us like he used to. I knew something was wrong, I was going to find out.

After dance practice, we went home and everyone split up into their rooms, each bringing a member or 2 with us. I was going with Heeseung and Sunoo until I noticed Ni-ki walk into his room alone.

Jungwon: Not again.

I told Sunoo and Heeseung that I would be right back, and I followed Ni-ki into his room, I found him on his bed scrolling through something that he tried to hide when I walked in.

Jungwon: Hey Ni-ki, my phone died. Can I search something on your phone?

Lie. I needed to find what Ni-ki was so sad about. He nodded and handed me his phone. I went to his search history and found twitter. He was looking at a page about him, a hate page. People were telling him to leave us and that we hated him. I realised why he was acting so distant now, he thought we didn't like him.

I closed the tab and handed his phone back to him; I couldn't tell him I knew so I just pretended I didn't. I walked back to Sunoo and Heeseung who were also suspicious about Ni-ki. I sat down and told them everything that Ni-ki was seeing and why he was acting different. They felt bad and Sunoo reassured us that Ni-ki doesn't body shame him.

We knew we had to tell Ni-ki that we knew but how?

Jungwon: Later tonight, I'll go in there and ask about his behavior, hinting that I know. I'll briefly mention the comments and see what he does.

Sunoo: Make sure he knows I love him

Heeseung: Me too

I nodded and we started talking about something else. An hour passed and I decided it was the time to ask Ni-ki. I knocked on his door and opened it and found him scrolling on his phone. His eyes looked red and swollen, he had been crying. I sat down on the end of the bed, facing him.

Jungwon: Ni-ki, are you okay?

 Ni-ki: Mhm, hyung.

Jungwon: You can tell me anything, I love you. We all do.

Ni-ki: Okay, I know hyung. I love you too...

Ni-ki answered with hesitation, as if he didn't want to get tricked into thinking I actually loved him, which I do.

Jungwon: You may have seen some comments?

Ni-ki's head shot up at me and his eyes widened. Bingo. He shook his head slowly and looked back down at his phone.

Ni-ki: Um, no.

I looked at him, with love. I pulled him into a tight hug and eventually felt my shirt getting damp. I pulled him away to look at him and immediately saw tears. I caressed his face with my thumb and pulled him back in.

Ni-ki: I'm sorry for all the rude things I did, hyung. I get it if you want me to leave Enhypen. I'm so so sorry. I'm so rude, I'm a bully, even our fans think so. I love you guys...

Jungwon: Don't you speak like that! Of course, we want you in Enhypen. We love you, we always will. Those people aren't fans bub. I love you so so much and you have nothing to be sorry for.

Ni-ki broke down more and burst out sobbing and saying random things. Eventually some of the members heard his sobs and joined our hug. I never wanted to pull away. My members and I will love Ni-ki forever. 

//Ni-ki's POV//

Maybe the hyungs do love me...

I love them, I never want to leave Enhypen.

I never wanted to pull away from that hug. It's one of my favourite memories, it's so sweet.

I love my hyungs<3






1253 WORDS!

Hope you liked it, it was requested by a friend of mine. PLEASE REQUEST! 

Have a good day/night<3 



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