Niki - Argument/ED

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(tw: eating disorder)

//nobody pov//

niki was in his room staring at the plain, white ceiling. he knew he would be called down soon to eat dinner. but he wasnt hungry. niki started a new diet, he hadnt told his members yet because he knew what their reactions would be.

heeseung: niki ah! dinners ready cmon you're the last one to come.

niki slowly got up from his bed a started walking to the dining room. delicious food filled the table yet niki didnt touch it. he just moved the food around on his plate with his fork. the members seemed to take notice of this and watched him.

jungwon: bub why arent you eating it?

jungwon looked at niki and  niki looked back. niki had to make an excuse.

niki: im full from lunch sorry.

niki made up a quick excuse, hoping to fool all of his members. but all of his members looked at him with suspicion.

sunghoon: you didnt eat lunch, you said you werent hungry

niki knew he had no other excuses, he had been caught. it was silent for a while before jungwon spoke up.

jungwon: niki, is there something you arent tellling us? you seem off.

niki: no can you guys back off im just not hungry

niki didnt know what to do. what could he do. his members always hated when he went on diets that he wasnt told to go on. niki knew this because of his previous 2 diets. but he was taking this diet more serious and further.

sunoo: geez niki ah calm down, just eat it you will regret it.

niki: i said im not hungry just stop

the members knew something was up and they wanted to know.

heeseung: your not leaving this table until you tell us whats going on.

niki stayed quiet and refused to answer, he didnt want to get caught again. niki had ran out of believable excuses and was now stuck. niki was angry that they wouldnt just let it go and stop asking questions. the members stared at niki until he said something.

niki: it doesnt matter, you guys dont need to know

niki got up from the table and started walking to the door. 

sunoo: niki ah where are you going?

heeseung: I said you couldnt leave the table unless you told us.

niki rolled his eyes and unlocked the door. he looked back at the members who were in disbelief an then back at the door. he opened it and started to walk out.

jay: Niki! Come back here right now.

the door shut and when the members ran to open it niki had gotten pretty far already. luckily heeseung was willing to run and catch up to him. when heeseung caught up niki ignored him. the members couldnt see them anymore as they had turned a corner in the distance.

heeseung: Riki im serious we are walking back to the dorms right now.

it was dark and hard to see as it was nighttime. heeseung thought it was dangerous. niki continued to ignore him until heesung grabbed him by the wrist and started oulling him back towards the dorm. 

niki: HYUNG! What are you doing!?

heeseung ignored him and eventually they got back to the dorms. everyone watched niki get pulled into the entrance. when the door shut niki yanked his wrist away from heeseungs grip. everyone was looking at niki.

niki: what? what do you guys want from me.

jay: why werent you eating?

niki: i said it doesnt matt-

jungwon: niki.

niki tried to just get through them and run to his room but he was stuck at the dining table, sitting down with all of the members watch. the members asked many times and niki just used excuses. but at one point...

jake: bub please just tell us, we just wanna know.

niki: i just wasnt hungry!

heeseung: NIKI!

niki was startled. he didnt even realise but tears had started to run down his cheeks. heeseung immediately regretted yelling at him and hugged him tight.

niki: im on a diet

the members were shocked of nikis final response and then sighed. they all joined in on the hug. the members knew of his previous diets. 

jay: niki baby, your perfect you really dont need this diet.

niki just sighed and they all pulled away from the hug and niki got up without saying anything and when to his room. they thought niki would get over this one eventually. but he didnt. niki obsessed over it. it became unhealthy. 

-next day-

it was dinner time and the members had realised that niki hadnt ate anything the whole day and dinner was the last meal. niki had to eat. heesung called for niki and he came and sat down but again, didnt eat. niki thought that no one was noticing but all the members noticed.

jay: niki try the food! me, jake and heeseung tried really hard on it.

niki looked up and realised that everyone was staring at him. niki stabbed his fork into the steak a pulled of a small bite and chewed on it, but he didnt swallow it. everyone noticed and continued eating while watching niki.

niki: im gonna go to the bathroom

the members nodded and when he left they talked

jungwon: niki ah is acting weird, i dont like this new diet hes on.

the members nodded and then jake said something that needed to be said for a long time.

jake: i think niki may have an eating disorder...

the members sighed and knew it might come to this and then..

niki: you think i have an eating disorder..?


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