Niki - Allergic

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(requested by MVMaknae88 )

tw: alchohol, allergic reaction






 It was the day after Ni-ki's birthday, for the celebration they went out and Niki drank alcohol for the first time. The drink only had a small percentage of alcohol in it as it was his first drink and was only a little drunk. Today everyone rested with hangovers and Niki had felt sick since the night before but called it a hangover. 

That night, Jay grabbed a drink with a very high percentage of alcohol and offered a shot to all of the members. Everyone took it including Niki who still felt sick. After drinking it he wanted more and ended up having around 6 shots of the drink. The members were shocked by how fast their maknae could drink. After a while of everyone sitting around, Niki began to feel very hot and dizzy.

(Guys I searched this up, this is a symptom of an alcohol allergy.)

Everyone was sitting at the bar chairs beside the kitchen counter. Niki had his head in his palms, he knew something was wrong. The chairs didn't have any backs to them so Niki couldn't lean back. He tried to brush off the dizziness and sat up straight, then realizing what a bad choice it was. He suddenly felt faint, and his vision started to deteriorate and suddenly everything was black.

Niki fell back, falling off the chair and onto the solid floor. His head smashing against it and his whole body falling off with him. He was unconscious.

Heeseung: HOLY SHIT, NIKI!

Jungwon: What happened...!

The members panicked and called an ambulance quickly. They stayed with Niki whose head and body were bruised and wouldn't wake up. The ambulance showed up and the members hopped in with Niki.

Sunghoon: Why did he suddenly just faint?

Sunoo: How much of that drink did you give him, Jay?

Jay: 6 shots...

 The members sighed; they knew it wasn't Jay's fault, but they were just worried for Niki. The ride felt long but once they got there, Niki was rushed into a room and the members sat in the waiting room.

They waited for about an hour before their name was called and finally everything was explained.

Nurse: So, Niki had a small allergic reaction to alcohol. He can drink it but not as much as he did today and not all at once. Keep an eye on him next time he drinks.

The enhypen members nodded and finally understood everything. They went in the room and found their maknae on his phone, obviously bored waiting for them. He saw them and immediately smiled since it had been so long since he had seen them. (2 hours)

Niki: GUYS!

Heeseung: Niki!

They all hugged him after it had been so long. (Again, 2 hours) Then the members began to lecture Niki about drinking.

Jungwon: You shouldn't drink so much!

Niki: Yeah yeah, I'm sorry.

The members continued talking until Niki was finally cleared and they could go home. When they got home they made jokes about hiding the alcohol from Niki and ended up just having a movie night and falling asleep.






Damn Niki, anyway I hope you liked this!

It was rlly short but thanks to the person who requested it! Hope you all have a great day/night and read all of the sickfics!!!!!!


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