Niki - Lost

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(Requested by Nayurisan2 )

Enhypen decided to take a camping trip into the forest, they were currently in their car now. As they drove towards the forest, a few of the members had a disagreement that started an argument. This argument was between Sunoo, Jungwon and Ni-ki, the maknae line. The argument started because at the dorms, Jungwon complained that Sunoo and Ni-ki were too messy and Sunoo and Ni-ki started to blame each other. So, the car ride was silent with a few whispers every now and then.

When they arrived, everyone got out and started setting up the tents. Everyone had chosen beforehand who they were sharing tents with and of course, Ni-ki and Jungwon were in the same tent. It was awkward but for now they didn't have to enter the tents. They all sat at the campfire, marshmallows in their hands and enjoying the moment. Except the maknae line still wasn't speaking, then the hyung line was fed up.

Heeseung: God, can you guys just make up. I'm sorry but you're ruining this trip with your stupid argument.

Jungwon: They both won't admit they are messy!

Sunoo: I'm not Ni-ki is!

Ni-ki: Don't blame me!

Jungwon: Okay, Ni-ki you are messier than Sunoo.

Ni-ki: Are you serious? He spends hours on his makeup and hair and leaves shit everywhere!

Jungwon: Your clothes are always on the floor.

Sunoo: And your video game controllers are always scattered around the room.

Ni-ki: So, this argument is my fault then?

Then Enhypen went silent, Jungwon and Sunoo keeping their heads low. Ni-ki grabbed his jacket of the floor and threw his marshmallow on the ground. He left his phone on his chair. He sighed and stood up and started walking towards the woods. It was 8pm and it was dark so it wasn't safe.

Jay: Where are you going?

Ni-ki: A walk.

Ni-ki continued walking, he could hear the members trying to call him back, but he ignored them. He kept walking and made his way through the tall trees; he got pretty far before deciding to go back. He started to walk back from where he came from but soon realized that every tree looked the same, he didn't know where he was. It started to feel like he was going in circles, he reached for his phone to call his members. He left it on his chair. He started to panic but reassured himself that he would find the way out. Another hour went by, he kept seeing the same trees, he memorized the way each tree looked. He was lost.


The members began to feel worried; it had been 3 hours and Ni-ki still wasn't back. It was 11pm, it was night, and he was alone in the dark. Jungwon and Sunoo felt slightly bad that they made him storm off. Jungwon crawled out of the tent, feeling lonely without Ni-ki. He said for all his members to exit the tents for a group meeting. He told them that Ni-ki hadn't come back yet like they thought. Jake pulled his phone out and called Ni-ki, just to hear Ni-ki's phone ringing at the campfire. Everyone immediately panicked, they had no contact with him either. Jungwon called the manager to help them look and they all split into 2 groups to search. After another hour, Ni-ki was still missing. 

They all met back at the campfire and decided to call emergency services. The police showed up and began a search party, the locals helped look for him. It was now 4am, he was still not found. Some of the members were in tears, he had been missing for 8 hours during night. Anything could've happened to him. They all knew that Enhypen wasn't the same without him, they needed him. The members watched the clock tick. 5am. 6am. 7am. 8am. 12 hours, they hadn't found Ni-ki. The police recommended that Enhypen gets some rest while the police get helicopters to search. When the members heard the word helicopters, they cried harder.

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