Niki - Stage accident

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(Request by ZhanGeDidiAiNiBJYX)

Niki POV

I was in the car with all my members, driving to an award show. This award show was massive and if we won anything, it would be a big achievement. Once we got there, at the door was a security guard who let us in, and we were escorted to our table.

The awards took a while and we won 1, but then all the groups had to go on stage to announce the final award. So, every group left their tables and walked up onto the stage. My members and I were at the front but at the end of the lineup. We were hoping we could win with 'Sweet Venom.' I looked behind me and saw a new rookie group messing around at the back of the line. They were laughing and messing with the curtain backdrop. I was frustrated because it was so unprofessional and obviously, they hadn't been trained well. Although, they had only debuted less than a month ago and they were lucky their debut song was a hit otherwise no one would know them.

Just as the host was about to reveal the winner, I heard a loud bang and looked behind me. The same rookie group was still messing around with the backdrop and had nudged a metal rod out of place. At first, I was just annoyed until I realized it was connected to the heavy stage lights that were directly above my group's heads. It was heavy and I already saw it was beginning to fall down. I had to protect my members, they haven't noticed, what if they get hurt.

Ni-ki: MOVE!

I shoved my members back and every group was shocked at what I was doing. I knew they thought I was just being unprofessional. I saw that Jungwon was about to walk up to me and ask what was wrong but then I heard a creak and the sound of the metal rod snapping off the rest of the set-up. I shoved Jungwon away as far as I could, and tried to take myself with him, but it was too late. I looked up and saw the rod close to my head and heard gasps all around the room. The last thing I heard was "NI-KI!"

Author POV

Everyone watched the rod slam into Ni-ki, causing him to fall to floor and the metal rod landing in his stomach. The lights attached to it shattered and the glass shards left cuts along his body. Blood started pouring out from behind his back, a puddle began to form. A few enhypen members fell onto the floor, mostly from the shock. Their maknae was laying on the floor, motionless and bleeding everywhere.

Shinee and BTS were standing beside them and were almost in tears, Ni-ki had always been their baby, the youngest. Some BTS members and Enhypen members reached down to help him but were shoved away by guards, medics and managers. Ni-ki was slowly taken away and Enhypen followed, along with BTS and Shinee. The three groups left everyone on stage shocked and scared.

It took a few minutes to get Ni-ki outside. The rod was still in Ni-ki's stomach, and he was bleeding into the medic's arms. An ambulance waited outside for him, and he was put inside on a stretcher, the enhypen members got in after him. BTS and Shinee knew they couldn't come but asked for the hospital address and told them to keep them updated.

Ni-ki was driven to the hospital, motionless but his chest still lifting up every now and again. The ride felt like hours to everyone, although it was only 10 minutes. Ni-ki was carried out in a stretcher, his members beside him as their entered the hospital. Sadly, a doctor stopped them from entering the emergency room and told them to wait in the waiting room.

They waited for 2 hours although it seemed like days. No one fell asleep even if it was late, they hardly even blinked. Eventually, a nurse came out and updated them.

Nurse: He suffered a severe concussion when he hit the floor, when the rod went through him, he crushed 2 ribs and lost a lot of blood. He damaged several parts in his stomach. But, since the rod didn't go too deep...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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