Chapter 5

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"Before I explain to you guys. Do you promise not to tell anyone?"

"We promise."

"Don't worry Ivy they should know if they are always going to hang out with you at school."

I lift my sleeve and untie the bandages to show the scar that started to spread even more to my body now.

"My parents put this scar on me and my older siblings put a type of poison that made the scar spread around my body. I will die when I turn 30 unless I find the antidote that they hid. I have been abuse by them since I was 3. They would keep me locked up in a room with no food or water. I don't know why they hate me but it always like that. I was their slave and I ran away from America to here Korea when I was 10. I learned how to fight during before I ran away and after. I used the money I stole from them to buy this apartment and found a job at the cafe. Right now they don't know where I am and won't stop unless I am dead since I know their secrets."

"So who and what do your parents and siblings do?" Suga asked.

"My parents own a big business company while my siblings own a hospital that is right next to my parents building."

"How did you escape since it seems like you couldn't?" Jin asked.

"My parents don't actually take me to the room they hired two people to do it and one day they forgot to lock the door. I snuck out and took a bunch of money from their safe. I also hit them in their pressure point if they saw me."

"How did you survive without food?" V asked.

"Oh since I won't go hungry if I eat one meal a day I take their leftovers that they leave on the table at dinner and sometimes when I find a bug I kinda of chop the bug and put it in their food in the morning before serving it to them."

"Do they know?" Rap Monster asked.

"No because it was mixed well into the food and sometimes they think it is just candy."

They laugh at that except for me.

"Before you told V you can't smile. What do you mean by that?" Jungkook asked.

"Well I never had that type of happy, embarrass, excited emotion in life because there is nothing for me to be like that at all."

They stayed quiet for a while to process everything.

"Ok we won't tell anyone but explain why the school hates you." J-Hope asked.

"They don't like me because they think I am poor and because I am not Korean. The teachers just hate that I am smarter than them because I already went to college in America."

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked.

"Well there was this one guy that my parents hire to discipline me but instead he taught me things. He would pretend to hit or kick or yell when he knows if my parents or siblings come across the room or come to watch. So after I ran away I went to find his house. He let me stay for a few days and told me to go to college in Maine since they were about to find me. I haven't heard from him since and I don't know if he is dead or alive right now."

"Hey Ivy it's getting late we should go back and sleep."

"Okay we're gonna go back."

"No stay here." Jungkook said.

"Why my apartment is next door so-" Haeun covered my mouth.

"Yes we would love to stay over RIGHT. IVY." She glared at me and it was no use arguing with her so I nodded.

She went to sleep in the same room as Jimin, Rap Monster, and Suga. Minho was sleeping in Jin, Jungkook, and J-Hope while I got stuck with V. Even though I hang out with them a lot V ignores me and even says things that piss me off to the point I was about to punch him where his bones would break.

I went to his room and saw only a blanket on the floor.

"You're sleeping on the floor because I am not gonna sleep on the floor or let you get the bed."

"Fine I'll just go on the couch then."

I was about to reach the door when V slam me into the wall. He held my wrist and made my legs tangle in the blanket so I couldn't even fight back.

"You are staying here I don't want to get a lecture by them because you went to sleep on the couch."

"I don't care it isn't my fault that you will get in trouble."

I tried to escape but his grip got even tighter.

"Let's see what happens next if you continue to disobey me."

Life Is Hell (BTS-V fanfic) EditedWhere stories live. Discover now