Chapter 21

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I woke up by a flash and when I was fully awake I saw them taking picture.

"You are so dead. Delete them now." I was about to get them but V pulled me back.

"Just leave them they're jealous anyways." V kiss me on the forehead earning a smack on the head by Mark.

"I told you not to do anything to her now get up." I saw Jungkook playing on his phone so I snuck up behind him and yelled in his ear. He jumped and covered his ear.

"Ah why did you do that? You scared me and I think you made me deaf."

I was too busy laughing since his reaction was so funny.


V back hugged me and glared at Jungkook. I smack him in the head.

"Ow why did you do that?"

"Stop glaring at Jungkook you guys are friend so stop it."

Jungkook chuckled and we ate breakfast. V made me and Haeun change our clothes and they drove us to somewhere.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." Jin said.

We stop at a place with a lot of cameras and many people. We even saw their manager too. We followed them looking confuse and sat at a table in front of them. There were paparazzi, interviewers, fan girls, and even news reporters. We were still confuse until we heard Jimin and V announcing that we are their girlfriends and hugged us. There was so many questions but V and Jimin answer them all.

I then heard people talking bad about me and Haeun.

"She is ugly."

"I bet she did something to make him hers."

"I am so better looking than her."

"How did they end up with those people."

"They look stupid and look like they use their bodies."

"I bet they use money."

I snapped at that point and took the microphone out of V's hand.

"Would you people just shut up? I love V and he loves me. Jimin and Haeun love each other too so quit your whining and accept the fact. They don't belong to you. Just because they are famous that doesn't mean they go out with people for looks or their body. They are human too and if you forgot that then I'll be happy enough to make you remember. If you are their fans then you should wish them to be happy with the one they choose instead of criticizing them and choosing yourself as the next candidate to be with them. They are free to choose who they love and no one should get in the way of that. If you still want to criticize then fine with me because even if you try to beat us up we are skill in any martial arts you name. Oh one more thing try anything to me or her and you will get it from me also I'm GOT7 Mark's sister if you have a problem with that then say to my face instead of spreading rumors."

I smirked at the last part then I realized what I just did.

"That's my girlfriend and she is right if you have a problem then say it to our faces and I mean all of us."

GOT7 came up and they stood next to each other why Haeun and Jimin were cuddling. Mark took Jimin's microphone.

"If any of you mess with my sister you are going to it from me."

I still had a microphone and was about to say something since I heard someone said that I'm lying but V took it.

"That is enough and I won't forgive anyone who touches her."

We went back while V carry me on his shoulder since he knew I was about to yell something. We went into a room and both of BTS and GOT7 managers were there. They got a lecture and then they came up to me and I got a lecture. They even told me not to lie about how I can fight.

I got annoy so I called Mark and then we fought without injuring each other to show them. They were wide eyes and mouth open now.

I left and ran into their fans.

Just great and when I dealt with their mangers too.

"Tsk how can an ugly girl like you get V." A girl who looked kinda chubby said.

"I am 100 times better looking than you."

Says the person who is wearing very thick make-up and has food stains on her shirt.

"You probably can't even fight you were just lying."

Since it seems they weren't smart I started to talk in English.

"I'm sorry I don't speak with crazy people. You are getting on my nerves so can you move before you get it from BTS and GOT7 or my friend Haeun."

"What did she say?"

"I think she said something bad about us."

One of them got mad and almost slap me but I saw V stop her. He pulled me and even kiss me in front of them.

Once we get home he is so dead. We went to BTS place and Minho ran to me. I played with him a little and then went on their computer to look at what happen earlier.

There were articles on what happen but I just read the comments. There were more people who were on our side then the people who said that I should die or that they will come and kill me themselves.

I was about to finish reading one where they kept saying cuss words but V unplugged it.

"Hey I was still reading that."

"Just ignore what they say it will be over soon."

He kept hugging and then I remember what he did in front of those girls. So I smack him in the head.

"You shouldn't have kiss me in front of them that was too embarrassing"

"Hehe I wanted to show them that you are mine."

"In front of girls they aren't gay V."


"Oh oppa should we tell the chairman about this."

"He found out already and he also said to call him uncle from now on."

"Okay but can someone please help me? I think V fell asleep and I can't get out."

Mark and Jungkook came and helped me get out of his grip but it woke him up so I hid behind Jungkook.

"Hey what are doing to my girlfriend." V looked so angry.

"Nothing." Jungkook just looked calm.

"Ivy uncle sent us a message."

I went to Mark getting away from V. All he wrote was it will be over and you can handle it. V back hugged me and laying on my shoulder breathing on my neck.

"Hey it's getting late we're going home." JB said.

We said goodbye to them and went back to GOT7 dorm.

Life Is Hell (BTS-V fanfic) EditedWhere stories live. Discover now