Chapter 18

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"Yes you will never have a chance to kill me."

I backed away a little bit to get out of the knife hold. He pulled the trigger of the gun but I dodged it and it hit the wall. I kicked the knife out of his hand and it landed straight into the wall. He was shaking while holding the guns towards me. Since there was no one behind me I didn't need to worry if someone might got shot. He kept shooting and I kept dodging it. He ran out of bullets so I punch him in the face.

Another teacher came in and I was about fight her but she grabbed my hand and shook it.

"Thank you he has been threatening all of the other the teachers to go against you. We didn't want to do it but he was about to kill us. Thank you."

"Uh you're welcome? I thought you all hated me."

"We don't you are actually our favorite student since you have a good chance of going to a good college."

"Okay." I looked at BTS but they shrugged their shoulders.

More teachers came in and tied him up. They left and told the officer that works here.

The teachers stopped bullying me so I didn't have to go up to the board anymore. It was lunch time and I ate with BTS.

"That was cool what you did." J-Hope said.

"But you should have been careful someone could have gotten hurt." Jin said.

"Hehe sorry."

"You got me worried." Jimin said.

"I thought you were about to die." Jungkook said.

Rap Monster and Suga tried to reenact what happen but failed.

We went back to our classes. Every lesson was boring and gym we did nothing but talked to each other. School ended and I happened to run into V and Sohee making out in the hallway in front of my locker.

"Can you guys please move?"

"No now go away." V said.

I shoved them out of the way and put my stuff in my locker. I looked at V one more time and went home.

"Hey guys."

"Hey what happen how come the teacher called something about you fighting a teacher." Mark yelled.

"Calm down oppa it was the teacher who worked for him."

"Oh but still."

"I'm sorry there you happy."

"Hey Ivy come help me cook." Jr said.


I helped him cook and then went to play with Yugyeom.

"I win." I smirked at him.

"You cheated." Yugyeom pouted.


"Ivy can you set up the table BTS and Haeun are coming over." Jr said.


I set up the table and lay on the couch while trying to mess Yugyeom up. After ten minutes they came including Sohee.

"Mark you are so dead."

"What? Oh I-I c-can explain and I told you to call me oppa."

"Okay calm down that woman insisted on coming here she wouldn't let us leave if we didn't." Haeun whisper while holding me back.

"I'm not eating I'll be in my room." I slammed the door and lay on my bed. Someone knocked on my door but I ignored it.

"Ivy it's Jungkook." I opened the door a little bit to make sure there was no one else. I let him in and he sat on the edge of my bed.

"Why is she here? I have already had enough fighting and arguing."

"It is just like Haeun said but she actually tied us to the room if we didn't."

"Wow Mark I didn't know you can do that." I opened the door a little bit and saw her flirting with him.

"Haha first V now Mark."

Jungkook closed the door and calm me down by hugging me. I heard his heart beat and knew that he liked me.

Sorry Jungkook I still like V even if he doesn't like me anymore so I can't return your feelings.

"Thanks Jungkook." I fell asleep after that.

Jungkook POV

I hug Ivy to calm her down and she did. Even if she doesn't like me back I still want her to be happy.

"Thanks Jungkook."

I blushed and saw she fell asleep. I put her to bed and went back to them.

"So is she going to eat?" Mark asked.

"She's sleeping right now."

"Jungkook come with me I want to talk with you privately."

I followed him to his room and he looked serious.

"You like Ivy don't you."

I was shocked and tried to denied it couldn't.

"It's alright but I know she still likes V I'm not telling you to give up but at least make her smile again because now I think she doesn't feel happiness anymore."

"Ok don't worry I will try whatever I can to make her happy again."

He smiled at me and pat me on the back and we went back to finish eating.

We slept over at GOT7 dorm because it was late. Haeun went to Ivy's room while someone came to pick Sohee up.

I slept in the same room with BamBam and Yugyeom.

I woke up by Rap Monster telling me to wake the girls up.

I went to their room and woke up Ivy since the way Haeun sleeping position is I don't want to get near.

"Ivy wake up it's morning."

Her sleeping face is so cute.

"Hmm oh Jungkook good morning."

"Can you wake up Haeun breakfast is ready."

"Sure we'll be out in about ten minutes."

I left and V just stare at me. He looked annoyed so I left him. They came out and we were about to eat when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Ivy said.

We were about to eat until we heard yelling.

Life Is Hell (BTS-V fanfic) EditedWhere stories live. Discover now