Chapter 12

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"Which ride do you want to go on?"

"I don't know I've never been to an amusement park before."

"Are you serious?"


"Follow me you are going to have lots of fun."

V took me to over 5 roller coasters, 2 water rides, and some arcade games. We started to get hungry so V went get us something to eat while I find us somewhere to sit.

I found a table and waited for V. While I was waiting some dudes came up to me.

"Hey can we sit here?" One of the dude with a bandana and piercings on his lip.

"What's a girl like you doing alone?" The other one with long hair and tacky clothes.


"Are you shy or something."


"Don't worry we'll be friendly and have some fun." One of the them grabbed my wrist but V made it in time and push them away.

"Get your hands off my girlfriend."

"Why should we? We were just being friendly."

V looked me but at that point I snapped since they were about to punch V. So I grabbed his fist and twisted it. The other one tried to help but I kicked him in the stomach before he had a chance.

"Leave now before I make that ugly face of yours even uglier." They got scared and went away.

"Are you okay Ivy? I'm sorry I took too long to get our food."

"It's okay as long as you didn't get hurt or I'll get in trouble for something happening to you."

V smiled at me and I smiled back. We ate and went to some more arcade games.

"What do you think the guys would want?"

"It doesn't matter they like anything."

"Okay oh let's get Minho that stuff bear."


V had to toss the ring around it and he got it on his third try. We walked around and I kept staring at a doll of my favorite anime.

"Do you want it? I can get it for you."

"It's okay let's go on another ride."


We went on another ride and I waited again for V since he said he needed to go to the restroom.

I checked my phone and found 10 missed calls and 23 text messages by Mark. I called him and he picked up after 2 rings.

"Hey Mark."

"Hey why didn't you pick up, for a minute I thought something happen to you."

"I'm on a uh date with V at the amusement park." I said while hesitating.

"Aaawwww he better treat you well."

"Yeah yeah." I then hear something in the background.

"Uh what is that noise."

"Oh it's just Jackson don't mind him."

"Mark who are you talking to? Is that your girlfriend. Hey Mark's girlfriend he is cheating on you."

"She isn't my girlfriend she is my cou- I mean my sister."


"Hehe bye Mark. Bye Jackson."

"Bye. Bye Mark's sister." I could still hear them arguing before they hung up and V came back with a gift bag?

"Hey sorry the bathroom had a long line."

I nodded and didn't question him since I was tired and didn't feel like interrogating him. We kept walking deciding what else we should go on but we got separated. I stood in the crowd trying to find V. Someone grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the crowd. I was about to hit that person until I saw that it was just V.

"From now on you're not letting go of my hand." He said which cause me to feel weird. I think I blush at that because he smirked at me. We bought some things from the gift shop and some we won for the guys and Haeun. It was getting late so we went on the Ferris wheel.

"Wow the scenery looks amazing."

"Yeah and here is your gift."

"What is it and when."

"Just open it and you'll see."

I opened the the gift bag and saw it the doll I was looking at earlier.

"Thanks you really didn't need to get me this."

"It's alright I want to be a good boyfriend."

"But we aren't actually-"

"I know so that's why I'm doing this. Ivy will you go out with me not as a pretend one but as my actual girlfriend because I really like you."

My heart was racing when he said that and I think I started to blush into a deep shade of red.

"Yes V and I think I'm starting to like you."

"Yes and I thought you were going to say no." He hugged me and even kiss me on the forehead.

"Hehehehe cute." Oops did I just say that out loud.

"You just called me cute didn't you."

"N-no I d-didn't."


We went home after that and gave the things we got to them. They seem happy with it since they ran up and hugged me.

Minho and I went back to our apartment and went to sleep.

Life Is Hell (BTS-V fanfic) EditedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz