Chapter Four: Ellamental

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Chapter Four: Ellamental

Holding hands with Connor, Jude opened the door to his mom's office. "Hey, you ready?"

She looked up from her file folder. "I need five more minutes. Oh Connor-your dad called. He and Ella are coming over to our place for dinner tonight."

"Oh great," he said, and looked at Jude. Jude nodded a bit and smiled at him.

"Okay," Jude said to Lena. "We'll just wait out here for you." He closed the door and Connor folded him into his arms and kissed him.

"I love it when I get to eat at your house," Connor said, his forehead pressing against Jude's.

"I love it when you get to sleep over," Jude answered.

Connor smiled and kissed him again. "I love this hot thing we have going on, Mr. Stevens."

Jude tilted his head back a bit and sighed happily. "Oh yeah, Mr. Adams-Foster." He hugged Connor tightly and kissed him again. He saw someone turn the corner and broke off. "Hi Corey," he said, with a wave.

Corey waved shyly at him and walked by them slowly. "Hey Jude, Connor," he said, looking down at the ground as he went past and around the corner.

"What's that all about?" Connor said, nodding that direction.

"I'll tell you on the way home, never got to it yesterday." Connor nodded and started kissing him again. Jude was in that zone where it felt like he and Connor were the only things that existed in the universe, right up until the door opened. He reluctantly broke off and smiled at Lena. "I can't seem to get enough of kissing Connor."

Lena grinned. "You guys hungry? I'm going to try this new casserole recipe because Ella is vegan and doesn't eat gluten."

"Sounds interesting," Jude said noncommittally. "Did you talk to mom about Connor and I going through Jesus's stuff that he wants us to get rid of?"

She nodded. "Yes, and thank you for volunteering, we haven't had time to get to it."

"It's okay," he said, supportively holding her arm. "We want to. Help out, that is."

She put her arm around him, and put her other around Connor. "You both have been so responsible lately, doing all your chores, getting your homework done, taking on extra projects like cleaning out that garage. I'd almost think you're older than you are."

Jude looked across at Connor. Saw his eyes say husband. He smiled.


"I think these clothes can be sold, and this pile here is for donation," Connor said. "I think we can sell most of this other stuff on eBay or Craigslist. What about the extra skateboard though? Should we try to sell that too?"

Jude looked at it and shook his head. "I'm not exactly sure what to do with it, Kyle might want it though. We can ask him."

Connor looked at the tired expression on Jude's face and took his hand. "Hey," he said brightly, "I started on our table in wood shop. I don't want to spoil it but I think it's gonna be real cool." He walked over to the window. "It's gonna fit right in here." He held Jude close. "Hey, do you think we should plant some more stuff next to Frankie's cherry tree? You know, for Frank? Then both of the Franks will be framed right here, in our window. Living memories."

Jude squeezed his hand. "That's an amazing idea, babe. Let's see what the fam thinks."


"This is delicious," Ella said. "Sweet potato and cauliflower are two of my favorites." They were in the Fosters' dining room, sitting next to each other at one end. Lena and Stef were at the other, with Connor and Jude on one side and Mariana and Callie on the other. Ella looked at Adam and he smiled.

"We have some news for you all," Adam said. "Ella and I are going to get married."

Stef and Lena smiled at them, and Connor, who was sitting next to his dad, rubbed his dad's arm.

Ella looked at Jude and her happy expression softened a bit.

"Sounds like it's time for a toast," Stef said, raising her wine glass. "To Adam and Ella, may you spend many years together in happiness."

They drank and Ella raised her glass. "To Jude and Connor for giving us Ronnoc and the Center."

She smiled at Jude and he smiled back at her bashfully.


Jude was in the living room, working on his homework. Connor was in the back yard playing catch with his dad. Ella walked in and sat next to Jude. "Is everything okay, Jude honey? I'm not sure what to make of the look you had when Adam announced that he and I were getting married." She squeezed his knee.

"It's not that," Jude said. He looked at her, and then at Connor. He sighed. "We haven't told any of you guys this, but after the Ronnoc party Connor and I got play married."

She grinned broadly at him. "Really? Wow, that's not something I would expect two teenage boys to do. But you aren't exactly run-of-the-mill boys."

"Yeah," Jude said. "I just wish we could married for real, like you and Adam are."

She titled her head a bit. "Why? Don't you want to have fun, enjoy life while you're growing up? Adulthood comes fast enough, kiddo."

"I know. It's just we know it's what we want to do. So we're going to turn the garage into a little house for us, and we've been saving up all our money. Our goal is to show moms and Adam, and I guess you, too, that we're mature enough to get married."

She smiled. "My great-grandmother got married at thirteen. Her husband was fourteen. And they spent nearly eighty years together. But that was a really different time. Are you sure this is what you want?"

Jude nodded. "We're both really, really sure."

She nodded. "Well, I suppose I can get on board with this. You boys keep it up, and when you're ready to tell Adam and your moms, I'll support it. Okay?"

He grinned, and launched himself into her.

She laughed joyfully at the surprise hug and rocked him a bit. "You're a very sweet boy, Jude. And you and Connor are adorable together. You have something really special, I must admit."

"You'll be my mother-in-law, you know," Jude said. "I actually feel pretty good about that."

She pushed him back and looked him in the eyes. "I suppose we should have some sort of code word for my part in this. What would Taylor say?"

Jude shrugged. "I actually came up with Ronnoc. How about...Ellamental?"

She smiled. "That's nice, I like it."

He nodded and picked up his math textbook. "Can I ask you about this one, I think I know the answer but I'm not sure."

"Math's was one of my best subjects," Ella said. "Let's have a look."


Ella and Adam were sitting on the swing in the backyard. Connor was helping Jude do the dishes. He yawned. "Man, I'm tired. It's been a long day."

"Yeah," Jude said. He was washing a bowl and Connor put his hand in the water to get another dish out to rinse. The back of his hand rubbed against Jude's and they reflexively wrapped hands around each other. "I won't be able to finish this way," Jude said, in a not very convincing protest.

Connor looked in his eyes and his hand squeezed Jude's under the soap bubbles. "I love you, cakes."

"I love you too," Jude said. They kissed. Jude looked into Connor's eyes. "Wow, you really are tired. Want me to finish up?"

"Sounds great," Connor said. "I'll get ready and wait for you." He dried his hands and walked away.

Jude smiled as he heard him climb up the stairs and he kept washing the dishes, watching with admiration as Adam and Ella talked and held hands.


When Jude came out of the bathroom, Connor was already on his back asleep. Jude sighed at the lack of spooning position, but he settled next to Connor, kissed him on the cheek and rested his head on Connor's chest. Listening to his beloved's heart beat, he drifted off to sleep.

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