Chapter Twenty-three: The Captain's Table

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Chapter Twenty-three: The Captain's Table

After the luncheon, there was a mini-golf tournament, which was handily won by Nicole. After that Connor told Jude he needed to go to the school to pick something up, and kissed Jude goodbye. He, Ian, Snapback and Jay got into Ian's Lexus SUV and headed for Anchor Beach, and Jude found Kyle hanging out by himself.

"Sorry you got caught up in that stuff," Jude said. "I wasn't expecting anyone to barge in like that, least of all my mom."

Kyle shrugged. "It's okay. You didn't really get into trouble did you?"

"We had to go to this promiscuity counseling thing," Jude said.

"That's funny," Kyle said. "I'm probably the promiscuous one. It's not like you and Connor have fooled around with anyone else, have you?"

"Not even," Jude said. "I think they kind of overreacted. I don't feel like we did anything wrong."

"You didn't really. It's not like you cheated on him, or he cheated on you. You decided it together and you both wanted it. So where was the harm?"

"Yeah," Jude said. "They just didn't seem to like the idea of another person. It's not like that though. Nobody could ever replace Connor for me, and you wouldn't try to."

"And there's nothing wrong with messing around," Kyle said. "Adults just don't seem to like it, even though they must have been the same way when they were our age."

Jude nodded. "So I hear your stepdad is being a bitch again."

"You could say that. He took my phone away cuz I looked at him funny or something. I don't know. He really pisses me off."

"I'm sorry he's like that man."

"Yeah, that's the life of Kyle. Always sucking in some form or the other." He looked at Jude. "We never finished our thing, you think you and Connor will be up for it again?"

"You kinda dig Connor I can tell. And I don't know that the curiosity is really satisfied, for either one of us. But obviously if we're gonna try again we'll make sure nothing can happen to interrupt it."

"To be honest, if you weren't with Connor I'd probably go after him. But it's cool messing with both of you. I'd never actually done anything with two guys before."

"Well Connor isn't happy until his curiosities get satisfied. And I'm pretty much the same way. So if we get the right chance maybe we'll try again." He looked at Kyle. "There anyone else at school you're into?"

Kyle shrugged. "Maybe. I don't really want to talk about it. That's isn't a problem, is it?"

Jude shook his head. "No. Not for me." He looked over at the anchor, where Myranda and Sophia were kissing and hugging. "Myranda really seems happy with Sophia."

"Yeah, more than I've ever seen her. I'm really happy for her."

Jefferson came over. "Hey fellas. You mind if I borrow Jude for a bit Kyle?"

"Go ahead," Kyle said. "I'll go check out your orchids." He wandered off.

"How have you been, sir?" Jude asked.

"Oh please, don't sir me. You'll make me feel old and self-important." He sat next to Jude.

Jude laughed. "Sorry Jefferson. You're just a person who seems worthy of that level of respect."

Selfridge smiled. "I appreciate that, Jude. Now down to business, that's a nasty habit of mine and I'm too old to break it." Jude smiled at him. "As you know, we're on track to open the Center by Christmas. For Halloween, we're going to have a big LGBT youth party here, with your friend Cole as emcee. I want you and Connor to be my ambassadors."

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