Chapter Twenty-Four: Cake

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Chapter Twenty-Four: Cake

Jude and Connor were in their bathroom, washing up for dinner in the main house. "So Selfridge wants to hire us for that ambassador thing," Jude said, combing gel into his hair with his hands. "He actually wants to pay us—a lot."

"My dad texted me and said he signed off on it, but I didn't hear the details," Connor said. "How much is a lot?"

"Fifty thousand a year—for each of us. Our first event will be a Halloween party at his estate."

"Yeah that's a fundraiser for the Center," Connor said. "But fifty thousand each? That's like a hundred thousand for both of us. How much do your moms make?"

"Stef is fifty-something thousand, Lena is more than that, not sure exactly. Close to ninety I think. I know Porter makes six figures. They're paid better than administrators in public schools."

"I know my dad and Ella are making a lot, but look at how much they are working."

"The key thing is we have jobs now and can support ourselves. We can start paying moms rent for Southridge. That should mean you get to stay here, and when we show we can take care of this place and support ourselves, they shouldn't have any objection to us getting married, right?"

"Unless they think we aren't mature enough," Connor said. "That seems to be the sticking point. Just when we seem to be convincing them, something happens."

"I know," Jude said. He looked at Connor. "How's my hair?"

"You're adorable. Always."

Jude laughed a little. "Hardly an unbiased opinion. Let's go." They walked hand-in-hand over to the main house. Stef and Lena were having a birthday dinner for Jude, and they had set up the dining room table instead of the one in the kitchen. Jesus and Mariana were sitting next to Callie. Brandon was at one end next to Callie and Stef and Lena at the other.

"There you boys are, we thought we'd have to send out search and rescue," Stef said. She held up an envelope. "You'll be happy to know momma and I signed off on you working for Mr. Selfridge."

"Awesome," Jude said, sitting next to her, with Connor on his left. "I guess this means Connor and I start paying you rent."

"Why?" Mariana asked. "We don't pay rent."

"Yeah, you don't have your own house, either," Jude pointed out. "Besides, we want to show how responsible and grown up we are."

"We'll talk about it," Lena said, passing the mashed potatoes to Jude. "For now let's just celebrate you being fourteen. And I guess in addition to your jobs, we have Mr. Selfridge to thank for Jesus being here."

"I'll fly out on that plane any time," Jesus said. "It was so plush."

"Speaking of that," Lena said. "Next week is teacher conferences, so that's when you'll be taking your trip to Easter Island. I have to work, and Adam and Ella are busy at the Center as you know. So Mom and Agent Turner are going to be your chaperones."

"Chaperones for the two of us?" Jude said. "Is that really necessary?"

"It's not just the two of you. Jay, Jason, Kyle, Nicole, Myranda, Sophia and Taylor are all going."

"Oh cool. So it's like an international field trip."

"Yes. Taylor's already working on your passports."

"That's going to be so much fun," Mariana said. "If I wasn't going to state with the dance team I'd want to tag along."

Jude looked at Callie. "What about you?"

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