Chapter Thirty-Four: Break Out

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Chapter Thirty-Four: Break Out

Taylor followed the boys into Torrey Park. There was another door for her to open. "This is where we have to trust the low-tech stuff," she whispered. She opened her backpack and gave Connor, Jude and Jay each a frisbee. "My theory is they will think it's a system malfunction if all the motion sensors go off at once, and they're already going to be confused by the power failure." They were at a triple junction, with hallways going to the left and right and also straight ahead.

Looking at the layout, Taylor had clearly chosen this entrance for this reason. "What do we do?" Jude asked.

"At the count of three, you each throw your frisbee down your hallway as far as you can, and then you have to run after it, except for Jude who will be on the left. That's the direction Kyle is in. Okay?" They nodded. "On three then. One, two, three." The boys all flung their frisbees down the hallways, triggering all of the motion sensors at once. Jay and Connor immediately sprinted after their frisbees. Taylor and Jude ran after his. It was pitch black in the hallways except for small alarm lights on the motion sensors, but Jude could see as clearly as daytime. Connor and Jay were flying down the hallway towards them with their frisbees, Taylor activated another door and they went through it into a residential pod. Looking at the door numbers, Taylor marched down the hallway, turned a corner and then another. "Here," she said, opening the door. "These doors are only secured by the power, and they're programmed to unlock if it goes off in case there's an emergency, it'll be the same way going out the main doors, they're designed to open that way to let people out."

"They're having and emergency now," Jude said. "Kyle?"

"Jude!" Kyle called out. "Where are you guys, I can't see anything."

Taylor activated her shoulder light and walked up to him. "Here, let me put these in your eyes." She added the drops to his eyes and Jude watched with amazement as his eyes turned completely black, it was an especially impressive effect on his normally blue eyes.

He blinked. "Whoa."

"Let's go," she said. "We only have a minute or two." They went back out the way they came, and ran down the hallways through the cacophony of motion sensors. They slipped out the door they had come into, and ran down a hill to some trees. Beyond was a road where Ian was waiting. Taylor passed out sunglasses to everyone. "For the headlights, they'll blind you with this stuff in your eyes." They got into the SUV and Ian quietly drove off, not activating the vehicle lights until they were a good distance away.

"I'm so glad you got me out of there," Kyle said to Jude and Connor. He was sitting next to them in the back seat, Taylor was in shotgun and turned back to look at him.

"Where should we take him now?"

Jude bit his lip. "I have an idea," he said. "Let's try Rita."

Taylor nodded and punched a destination into the GPS. Ian looked at it and made a sharp right turn.


Rita answered the door. "Hey Jude, what's up? You Corey Hart?"

"What?" Jude asked.

"Wearing your sunglasses at night? It's a song from the '80's."

"A bit before my time," Jude said. "This is Kyle. He needs a place to stay for a few days. And uhhh...we'd appreciate it if you didn't ask too many questions. Just temporary until we can work something out."

"This is highly irregular," Rita said. She looked at Jude and shrugged. "But the less I know, probably the better, I just hope he isn't a fugitive or something."

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