Chapter Forty-Six: What the Heart Knows

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Chapter Forty-Six: What the Heart Knows

The short days of January went by quickly, packed with school, homework, chores, and work for Connor and Jude. They met with Bradley every week and took more psychological tests. "We're gonna be the most psychologically studying kids in San Diego," Jude said to Connor, as they went into the Center for one of the last tests, a physical exam.

The physician, Dr. Holly Baxter, was a specialist in LGBT teen issues. Jude went in first so Connor went down the hall and chatted with Becka while he waited his turn. Finally her phone beeped and she answered it. "She's ready to see you now."

Ten minutes later Connor was sitting on an exam table in a room, wearing only a hospital gown. He disliked even having to put it on as it reminded him of being in the hospital after the shooting.

The Doctor came in. "I'm Dr. Baxter," she said. She was a brunette, green-eyed, shoulder-length hair, late thirties in age Connor guessed.

First she examined his foot that had been shot. "Any soreness or tenderness?"

"No," Connor said. "Just that gnarly scar to remind me of what happened."

"I could prescribe some scar cream to help with that. Would you untie your gown?"

Connor did so and the gown fell down into his lap. Dr. Baxter grabbed the sides of his head and she looked into his eyes and nose and had him open his mouth. Then she felt around his neck. "Your lymph glands are swollen," she noted.

"I had a flu shot a few days ago," Connor said.

"Probably just a reaction," she said. "Open wide." She looked into his mouth. "Tonsils are swollen too. May be nothing, but I'd like to take some blood and have it checked out."

"Sure," Connor said, as she proceeded with the rest of the exam.

"You're obviously in great physical shape," she said, after listening to his breathing. "Any concerns though?"

He shook his head. "Not really."

"I was showing Jude how to do a testicular self-exam, would you like to learn that as well?"

"Yeah, sounds like a good idea." He pulled the gown aside and listened as she explained the technique.

"It's best to do this after you shower, the warmth will loosen the skin up. You want to examine each testicle one at a time. Gentle roll it with some slight pressure between your fingers. You feel that little lump there?"

"Yeah," Connor said.

"That's the epididymis, the sperm-carrying tube. What you want to feel for are any other bumps or lumps along the front or sides. They may be the size of a pea or even a piece of rice. If you notice any, or any unusual swelling or changes in size, or color; or if there is any pain or aching, that's when you'd let a doctor know."

"Got it," Connor said.

"You can get dressed," she said. "I'll send the nurse in to get that blood."


Jude and Connor sat on a couch in a meeting room in the Connor Center. The door opened and Adam, Ella, Lena, Stef and Bradley came in. The two parent couples sat down on opposite facing couches, with the Adams-Fosters on the left and the Stevens on the right.

Bradley sat in a chair facing all of them. "So, as you all know, Jude and Connor have decided that they want to get married, and at their request I've done a thorough psychological report and given them pre-marital counseling. We now have a comprehensive packet to provide Judge Ringer with, to provide him all the background and reporting we think he will want to see. The only remaining thing is to meet with you all to see if there are any parental concerns before proceeding."

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