Chapter Eleven: Little House

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Chapter Eleven: Little House

"What's going to happen to Blake and Jeremy?" Jude asked, as he poured orange juice into a glass.

"I just got a text from Monte," Lena said. "They're both being expelled for violating the school's rules."

He nodded and looked at Stef. "They've both been charged?"

She nodded. "Yeah, the D.A. signed off yesterday afternoon. I expect them to both get probation."

"Then what?"

"They go back to public school, probably."

"I still can't believe it was Blake. That dude was the one always riding me about being gay and he messed around with Corey? That's just so dodgy."

"In fairness to him, not everyone is comfortable with admitting to it, and sometimes outward displays of homophobia are a reaction to internal feelings," Lena said. "But him forcing Corey into sex isn't right in any case. I hope this was a good lesson for you."

"Totally, and believe me, Connor and I are super good about that. We don't do anything unless we both want to and it's clear that we have permission."

Lena smiled. "Good. You're such a responsible son lately. What've you got planned for today?"

"Oh, the dads are coming to help us in the garage. Adam, Donald, Mike and Robert are all supposed to come help us."

"Oh, isn't that nice," Stef said. "Mike said he'd come?"

"Yeah, he'll probably have A.J. too. We're hoping to get a lot done today."

"Sounds like we should plan a big lunch," Lena said. She looked at Stef. "I wish you weren't working today."

"I know love, but we both like the extra money from the overtime, Callie needs a car, Jude's hardly got any clothes that fit and Jesus will be back in November for six months."

Lena nodded. "I thought I'd be burying my nose in a book but I guess I'm going to the store for cold cuts."

"Sorry mom, you really don't have to make anything fancy," Jude said. He looked at her expression. "Then again, you are your mom's daughter."

She pointed at him affirmatively.

The doorbell rang. "I'll get it," Jude said. He walked up to the door and opened it, Connor came in and hugged him.

"Hi Jude,'' Adam said.

"Hey Adam," Jude said in his tangle of Connor. "I'd hug you but your son has to let go first."

"I don't think he wants to," Adam said. He picked a cooler up from the porch and brought it into the kitchen. "Hey Stef, Lena."

"Hi Adam," they greeted. "What's this?" Lena asked.

"Brought some beers from the grown-ups, and soda for Mike and the boys."

"You didn't need to do that," Stef said.

"Yeah, well with you working extra hours I'm sure Lena appreciates any help she can get," he said.

"You got that right, and thank you, Adam," Lena said. "Speaking of extra hours how's the center coming along?"

"It's great but the hours are brutal. I'm thinking of having Connor stay with you for awhile if it's okay. Just until the opening."

Lena looked at Stef, who shrugged. "Of course, I'm sure Jude will be delighted."

"Great, I'll bring some of his things by later." He looked back at the foyer. "Now if we could just separate those two, we could start working on your garage."

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