Chapter Twelve: Southridge

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Chapter Twelve: Southridge

Jude's eyes fluttered open. Connor was tucked into him, the warmth of his body like a wall of comfort behind Jude's back. It was Friday, the last day of school for the week, and Connor was probably going to be staying with him until almost Christmas...they might even have the little house done by then and they'd never have to sleep alone ever again. Once the house was done, Jude was planning to talk to Lena and Stef and get their blessing to marry Connor and Adam was sure to agree, especially with Ella already supporting it. He looked at the clock, it wasn't even close to the time to get up yet, which was wonderful...Connor was still snoring quietly and Jude felt warm and safe in Connor's arms. He closed his eyes, feeling contented and loved and wanted and where he was supposed to be....

Jude jerked awake from the sound of the alarm. He stabbed the snooze button and mentally calculated that if he and Connor didn't get up within about two minutes they would lose their normal line position for the bathroom. He nudged Connor awake. "Com'on, we have to get to the shower," he said.

Connor rolled partly on his side and cleared the sleep crumbs out of his eyes with his fists. "Do we have to?"

"Yeah, unless you want to shower in cold water." He got out of bed, and pulling Connor behind him, walked into the bathroom.


History class. Jude walked in. It was strange to see the desks where Blake and Jeremy would be sitting, knowing they would be empty today. He sat down and blew his breath out. Fortunately they were done with the Monroe Doctrine, which was good because if he had to listen Nelson prattle on about it any more he was going to want to fall asleep.

Jay came in. "Hey Jude."

"Hey," Jude said. "Did you read the next chapter? I was kinda busy last night."

"Yeah, we're getting up to the California Gold Rush. Hopefully that's gonna be more interesting than the Monroe Doctrine."

"Seriously," Jude said.

"Hey, so squad is going ice skating tonight, you and Connor want to come?"

"Sure," Jude said with a shrug. "I haven't really been ice skating before, where do you that, at the Galleria?"

Jay nodded. "Yeah I go all the time. Everyone's coming out it'll be fun."

Mr. Nelson came in and Jude turned his attention to class and the fact that while the California Gold Rush was actually a pretty interesting topic, Nelson would undoubtedly find a way to suck all the life out of it....


Jude knocked on Lena's door and entered when she called "Come in."

"Hey momma," he said. "You ready?"

"I actually have to work on some grant stuff," she said apologetically. "Is it ok if you and Connor walk today?"

"Oh sure," Jude said. "I'll see you later...will you be home in time for dinner?"

"Yeah, I think so. May just order something in," she added with a sigh.

"How about if Connor and I cook? Would that help?"

"That would be a great help, actually." She smiled at him. "You two have been so mature this whole year, your studies are going great. Is something going on? I feel like you're trying to impress Stef and I or something."

He shrugged. "Maybe. We just figured we needed to act on a level that was equal to the kind of relationship we are having, just so everyone is comfortable with it."

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