Chapter Fifty-Nine: Conjugated

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Chapter Fifty-Nine: Conjugated

Jude leaned back in his desk in History class. Old man Nelson was going on about the Sputnik, the first artificial satellite. Hard to believe, but the old man actually seemed excited. Maybe they'd be able to get through the space program and the Cold War with a minimum of boredom, which was good because Jude was not looking forward to Watergate.

He looked over to Jay, who gave him a smile. Jude smiled back. Outwardly he probably looked calm, but he was anything but calm inside, it was going to be a packed day. After this period he and Connor would be leaving for the Center for Connor's second round of chemo, and after that they had their appointment with Judge Ringer in his chambers at the courthouse. It was bound to be a day packed with feelings and gravity.

Discovering The Giant had made them minor celebrities, even the national news had picked up on the story of the largest Martian meteorite ever discovered, and not long after that came even more exciting news: human remains were found buried in the cave, and every indication was they were in excess of ten thousand years old, placing them among the oldest specimens of humanity in the western hemisphere. Taylor, Sophia and Jay had already been back to the FBI office to continue their F.A.I.T. Training, and Jude was pondering what he could do in a similar type of program more focused on law.

The bell rang, and Nelson was so animated he carried on a good twenty extra seconds. Jude grabbed his book and his pack and headed for his locker. He put his stuff away, and crossed the hall to where Connor was doing the same. "You ready bae?"

"Yeah," Connor said, closing his locker. He took Jude's hand and together they walked to Lena's office.

Monte was talking to Lena when they came up to the door. She gestured them in, and gave Jude a knowing look. Jude smiled, Monte had already been talking about taking them to Italy in the spring for another cultural excursion.

"We're ready," Jude said to Lena.

"Good luck," Monte said to them. "On both fronts."

"Thanks," Jude said. He followed Lena out, with Connor's hand in his.


Jude rested his head on Connor's shoulder as Connor sat in a recliner, chemotherapy drugs dripping into his bloodstream through the Portacath. Their hands were intertwined, Jude looked at them, taking in every muscle and sinew and flake of skin. It was amazing how reassured and safe he felt holding Connor's hand. He wasn't really socially anxious anymore, and had found confidence inside himself, but that might have never happened without Connor as the foundation.

"What are you thinking about, cakes?" Connor said, interrupting the quiet.

Jude nuzzled his head against Connor's shoulder. "That I wouldn't be who I am without you." He squeezed Connor's hand. "Loving you has challenged me to become a better person. To be more confident, more sure of myself, more patient, more understanding, more open. After all the things that happened, I was afraid to trust and love. But I'm not anymore."

Connor nodded. "Kinda the same. Being with you has allowed me to be who I truly am. And you were the first one that accepted and loved that. Thanks to you, I don't have to hide anymore, or pretend to be something I'm not. It's a pretty amazing gift."

Jude's thumb rubbed against the side of Connor's hand. "I just hope the judge sees it the way we do."

"Well cakes," Connor said. "Piece of paper or not, I'm yours. How you feeling? You okay?"

"I wish I was strong enough to cure you," Jude said.

Connor kissed his hair. "You already did, cakes. You already did."

Conjugated - A Jonnor TaleWhere stories live. Discover now