Chapter Nineteen: Two

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Chapter Nineteen: Two

Jude stirred awake from the bed shaking. He looked over at Connor, confused for a moment before realizing it was just an aftershock from the earthquake in the summer. After a few seconds the rattling subsided and Jude listened to the rhythm of Connor's breathing. It was parent-teacher conference today so he and Connor didn't have school, and since Lena was both his parent and vice-principal, it was a normal day of work for her. Connor's skin was warm against his like a banked fire, and Jude felt comfortable and cozy. He would never tire of this, and it never got old. He slipped back into sleep with a smile on his lips.


Connor was making pancakes. "So dad texted, Ella will be over at 10:30am to take us to that counseling thing."

"Oh, okay," Jude said. "I texted Kyle but he's not answering me."

"We'll see him tomorrow at school," Connor said. "I kinda feel bad for him getting caught in the middle of that." He flipped his hotcakes.

"Yeah not his fault,' Jude said. Connor dishes him up pancakes and Jude buttered them. "You think we should do something with squad later?"

"Aren't we grounded or something?" Connor replied, sitting next to Jude. "Thanks cakes," he said, as Jude passed him the butter.

"I would think so but mom's didn't actually say that. Maybe it slipped their minds. They only restriction I heard was that all visitors to Southridge had to be approved."

"We should probably ask, then. I don't want to get into trouble for something else."

"Me either," Jude said, shaking his head. He lifted a fork-full of pancake up to his mouth. He closed his eyes as he chewed. "Oh man these are good." He swallowed and looked at Connor. "I love you, pancake man."

Connor grinned at him.


Ella pulled into her spot at the Center entrance and she, Jude and Connor got out. "Most of the facade isn't put in yet," she said to the boys. They walked through an opening that would be filled in later with glass windows and doors. She stopped at the table where the primary contractor had all the blueprints laid out. She grabbed a few hard hats and gave one to Connor, one to Jude and put one on herself. "The whole lobby area isn't finished," she said. They walked down some wooden planking into a hallway, there was construction all around with loud sawing and hammering noises. She ducked under some plastic sheeting and skirted around a lift dolly full of paint.

"The medical facilities are down this hall here," she said, as Jude and Connor followed. "And the transitional housing is off to the left here. The cafeteria is at the end of the hall. We're heading into the back where a lot of the therapy and counseling offices are, it's mostly done and we're already seeing some clients. Usually they come in the back way but I figured you guys would want to see how the rest of the Center is progressing."

"It's amazing," Jude said. "I'm surprised at how big it is."

"Largest facility of its kind in the country. Possible the world, I'd have to check on that." She badged through a door and took her hard hat off on the other side, Connor and Jude did the same.

"Becka?" Jude asked in surprise.

"Oh hi, Jude!" Becka jumped up from behind the reception desk and came around and hugged him.

"You're working here?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm doing some reception work. It's pretty fun. Better than doing chores at Girls United, for sure."

"Awesome," Jude said. "You remember Connor, right?"

"Oh yeah," Becka said. "Your boyfriend, of course I remember. It's cool you two are still together. You guys getting a tour of the place?"

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