Chapter Thirty-Eight: Vows

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Chapter Thirty-Eight: Vows

Rita poured Robert some tea. "How's the construction business?" she asked.

"Good," Robert said. "Everything fine at the Girls United house?"

"Yes, the girls are going a good job of keeping it fixed up. And we had an event in the summer and Connor and Jude helped out."

"That's great," Robert said. He looked at Jude, Connor, and Kyle. "So Rita told me what she knows, and the plan is that I take Kyle home so there's no knowledge of you and Connor being involved in his escape," he said to Jude.

"Why you? Seems like Rita could take him?"

"I could," Rita said. "But that isn't what Kyle needs. Robert and I were talking, and we agree he needs a stronger father-type figure in his life. A mentor. Someone who can help him with life skills and stuff like that."

"Sounds great," Jude said. His eyes narrowed. "But why you, Robert?"

"You may find this surprising, but my college major wasn't in business. It was in social work. I just got my license reinstated. I'm going to do some part-time sessions at the Ronnoc Center."

Jude looked surprised. "Wow. I had no idea."

"So the plan is, I tell his parents I'm going to take him on as a client, and hopefully they decide Torrey Park is off the table and he can stay at Anchor Beach." He looked at Kyle. "Do you think that will work?"

"Is it going to cost anything?" Kyle asked.

"No, it's all covered by the Center," Robert said.

"I'm sure they'll go for it then, that other place was going to cost them and they really don't like spending money on me."

"There's just one other thing we need to do," Jude said. "That I need to do."


"This is it," Kyle said to Robert. They parked in front of the house. It was in need of a paint job and the grass was overly long. Various bits of junk were strewn around the yard. "Not much to look at I'm afraid." He undid his seat belt and got out. Jude and Robert did the same just as Stef pulled up in her police SUV. She got out with her uniform on and walked over.

"Hi Stef," Robert greeted, shaking hands with her.

"So you found him," Stef said. "Or maybe you knew where he was all along?"

"Jude was just trying to do what was right for his friend," Robert said. "We think we have a plan that will work well for him."

"You see, Robert used to be a social worker," Jude said. "And he just renewed his license and is going to put in some sessions at the Ronnoc Center. He's agreed to take Kyle as a client and the Center will cover his therapy."

Stef folded her arms and sighed. "I see."

The front door opened and Kyle's mother came out. She walked up to them and Kyle hugged her. "You found him," she said to Stef.

"Office Adams-Foster, ma'am. He seems to be in good shape, and we've apparently worked out some alternative therapy for him that isn't going to cost you anything." She nodded to Robert. "This is Robert Quinn, a Social Worker for the new Ronnoc Center you might have heard about. He can take Kyle as a client there and the sessions are free."

"Oh, that's a good deal," Kyle's mom said. "I'm Laurel, by the way. As soon as we go in I'll call those Torrey Park people and tell them we've found another place. They were going to charge so much."

Robert shook her hand and nodded at the house. "Looks like you could use a paint job. My other career is in construction, could probably get you a discount. And Kyle's friends would do the work as a community project...right Jude?"

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