Chapter Forty-One: Return to Ensenada

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Chapter Forty-One: Return to Ensenada

"We're flying?" Jude asked Taylor.

"Yeah, we're taking the jet in case we have to get out of there in a hurry, which I expect to be the case," Taylor explained, as she got into the Lexus SUV in the shotgun seat. Connor and Jude got in the back. "The cover story is we're going for an LGBT youth conference there, which is actually happening. We've seeded word that you can Connor are going to be there, and the hope is they take the bait, grab Connor, and take him right back to wherever they've got Miguel. We get you both out of there, and get out fast."

"Sounds simple in theory," Jude said dryly. "Who's on the team?"

Ian was driving them to the airport. "We're keeping it small. Sophia's in Aruba with her parents, so she's out. Snapback is making a lot of progress but he's too inexperienced for this. So it's me, you, Connor, Nicole and Jay. My tactics, your nose, Jay's combat skills, Nicole's language skills, and Connor as the bait."

"And risking as few people as possible, if something goes wrong," Jude said.

"That," Taylor said with a nod.

Jude looked at Connor, who squeezed his hand. Possibly out of reflex. Definitely out of love. They arrived at the private terminal and got out.

Ian took their bags to the plane while Taylor talked to the pilot. Another car pulled up and Nicole, Snapback and Jay got out of it.

"Please be careful," Snapback said to Jay, pulled him into his arms, and kissed him. Jude watched with a smile.

"I love you," Jay said to Snapback. "I'll be back soon."

"I love you too, babe," Snapback said. He walked back to the car, got in, and it drove away.

Jude, Connor, Nicole and Jay got into the plane and took their seats. Taylor came on followed by the pilot. Within a few minutes they were underway, for what was bound to be an extremely short flight.

"You're not really gonna have time to nap," Jude said to Connor, who was already resting his head on Jude's shoulder.

"I will anyway," Connor said. Indeed, he was already asleep when the plane lifted into the sky.


It was warm in Ensenada, unusually warm for late December, in the low eighties. Jude shielded his eyes from the bright Sun in the southern sky as he got off the plane. It felt very different coming to Ensenada this time. Last time, they were on vacation after winning the trip in the laser tag competition. It turned out to be a fateful trip, for it was there they had first met Miguel. Jude liked Miguel, and felt sorry for him and his situation, but he was also acutely aware that every time Miguel came into their lives it was trouble. First he had come between Jude and Connor, then Connor got kidnapped trying to go after Miguel. Then after Taylor shot the first Rodriguez brother, his twin came after them and nearly killed Connor's dad.

"I really hope this isn't a disaster," Jude whispered to Connor. "I sort have a bad feeling about this whole thing."

"Yeah, I feel it too. But if we're gonna rescue Miguel we don't have a choice."

There was a limousine waiting for them, they all got in the back. There were three seats facing three other seats. Jude, Connor and Jay took the three seats in back and Taylor and Nicole two of the front seats. Next to Taylor was a Mexican Jude didn't know.

"This is Domingo," Taylor said. "He's in the Mexican Special Forces and he'll be joining our little operation."

Domingo looked to be in his early twenties, which struck Jude as young for the Special Forces. Then again, Taylor could probably qualify for something like that and she was a lot younger. After a short drive they arrived at the hotel. Jude, Connor, Jay and Nicole waited while Taylor checked them in. She came over and passed out room keys. "The event starts at 1800, so be down here fifteen minutes early. Your clothes have already been delivered to your rooms."

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