Important notes

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First off, I still believe that a level 4 can overall beat Koenji and every other student. But Yagami is not a level 4 in this fanfic.

Instead of the 4th gen having a level 10 curriculum they will have a level 4 while the 5th generation will have level 5 and focus on communication like it did in the light novel.

Yagami is a year ahead in the time (it's actually viceversa but that's easier to explain).

The entire anhs year is one year behind in time so basically when Yagami entered anhs in the light novel the 2nd years entered aswell.

Will Yagami still be Yagami in the light novel?

Yes and no.

He won't have an inferiority complex for obvious reasons and his personality is a little different since he is the masterpiece of the Whiteroom (so far) and he doesn't have hatred in him.

No Ichika. Why? Because I see her too often and I want to try a line 5th gen.

Ayanokoji? Nope. Maybe mentions about his father but that's all.

Does Sakayanagi know of the Whiteroom? Yes but not of Yagami.

Cool? Alright let's go.

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