Chapter 5 (Kurt)

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I rang the doorbell again, and a woman with short brown hair opened the door.

"Can I help you?" She asked with a scowl. 

"Um, hi, I'm Kurt Hummel." I held out my hand and smiled.

"I've seen you talking to my son before...what are you doing at my house?"

"Oh...I was just wondering if Blaine was home." I gripped my satchel nervously.

"He's sleeping."

"Sleeping? It's only 5:00."

"He's sick."

"Sick? He seemed fine at school."

"It hit unexpectedly. It might be the flu.

"Oh...I'm sorry, the flu really sucks, oh!" I reached into my satchel and pulled out Blaine's black notebook.

"He left it at school." I held it out to her, and she rudely snatched it from my hand.

"I'll make sure he gets it. Now leave."

"Tell Blaine that I hope he feels better." I smiled as the door slammed in my face, I sighed irritated and then moved to my car.

I sighed as I read the page that rested in my front seat.

My parents are cruel they don't want

"Don't want what? What are you trying to tell me, Blaine..." I said to myself and drove away.

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