Chapter 7 (Blaine)

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Time passed, and it was time for lunch; I struggled to find Kurt and his friends; maybe they had gone somewhere else.

"Blaine! Over here!" Kurt called from a table in the back, I walked over to the table, and it wasn't just Kurt there; there was a girl with brown hair, a really tall guy, three girls in cheerleading uniforms, and a couple people I recognized from some of my classes.

"Guys, this is Blaine, the one I've told you about; Blaine, this is my brother Finn, his girlfriend Rachel; this is my girl, Mercedes; the blonde is Sam, that's Puck, then Mike Chang and his girlfriend, Tina Cohen-Chang, no relation whatsoever and these three are Quinn, Santana, and Britney." I waved, and they all greeted me.

"Hi, Blaine; it's nice to meet you." The blonde girl Quinn said.

"You're in my history class," Mercedes said.

"Kurt talks about you a lot; nice to put a face to the name," Santana said

I pulled my notebook out, wrote inside, and held it out to them.

It's nice to meet you all. Thank you for letting me eat with you, I don't have very many friends.

"Kurt's told us a lot about you. You can hang out with us whenever you want." Rachel said. I smiled, but then I felt something run down my body like a shower, and I had spaghetti all over me.

"What the hell Karofsky?!" Finn exclaimed.

"He had it coming, especially if he's gonna hang out with you, Losers."

I felt somebody grab my shoulders.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up," Kurt said gently as I guided him to the bathroom.

Kurt soaked a towel with warm water and pressed it to my face.

"I'm sorry, had I known that would have happened, I wouldn't have invited you..." Kurt said with guilt; I sat up and rested my hand on his to let him know it was okay.

"We, uh, we have Glee practice soon. Do you want to come? I'm sure Mr. Schuster wouldn't mind." Kurt said; I smiled and nodded.

Kurt guided me to the Choir Room. Rachel opened the door and quickly ran in, dragging Finn in by his hand; everyone else walked in, then Kurt held the door open, and I walked in; everyone was sitting in chairs and chattering; almost everyone was sitting together. They were obviously with their soulmates. I couldn't take it; I ran out of the room and into the bathroom.

I dropped to my knees and began crying. I heard the door open, I looked up, and Kurt stood in the doorway.

"Blaine? Are you okay? What happened?"

I pulled my notebook out of my bag and began writing vigorously then handed it to Kurt.

It's stupid, but...seeing all of your friends together, they all looked so happy...and I...I would give anything to have that.

As Kurt read what I wrote, his eyes began to water.

"Blaine...I'm so sorry I didn't think about that." He quickly wrapped his arms around me, "I just thought maybe you would have fun. I'm sorry." I could feel the fabric on my shirt start to soak; Kurt was crying, but why?

I released the hug and wrote in my book again.

I'm sorry I made you feel that way, I was just having a moment. I wish I didn't say that, Kurt you're the first person that has actually shown me that I could be happy.

"I'm glad I can help...I've got to get to Glee. Do you still want to come?" He asked; I nodded; Kurt smiled, helped me up, and guided me to the choir room.

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