Chapter 6 (Blaine)

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My mom came back upstairs, I immediately ran to my bed where my sketchbook was.

What did you do to him?!

"Relax, I just told him you were sick and that you were sleeping." A huge breath of relief rushed over me.

"He came to return this," she held the notebook up and threw it at me.

"A notebook?" My dad asked.

I nodded and opened my notebook and wrote inside.

Kurt gave it to me. It's how I communicate with people since I don't have my voice...

"And what do you tell these people?"

Nothing, I promise, I just use it to answer questions for classes and talk to Kurt.

"You are awfully close to this, Kurt, aren't you?" My mom raised her eyebrows.

Kurt is my only friend, everyone else in school makes fun of me for not having a voice.

"How many times do we tell you, you don't need a voice! Don't bring it up again!" My dad yelled; I backed into the corner and nodded.

"Good. You can come down when dinner is ready." And with that, my parents walked out. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, relieved that Kurt was okay.

With my parents gone, I pulled out my sketchbook and dragged my pencil across the paper; I smiled as I finally put the finishing touches onto my picture of Kurt. It was nearly as beautiful as he was.

The next day my parents left on some trip, which meant a whole day of freedom!

I had to walk to school, but that's okay; I didn't mind the exercise. I arrived at school and met up with Kurt.

"Hey, Blaine!" He waved; I smiled and waved back.

"You look like you're feeling better." He said, smiling; I nodded yes.

"That's good; I was worried." I felt my cheeks begin to blush.

"Hey, what are you doing after school?" I pulled out my notebook.

I don't really know, my parents are gone until late tonight. 

"Would you like to come to my house for dinner?" He smiled, and I pulled out my notebook.

Really? What if they don't like me?

"Nonsense, why wouldn't they like you?" He asked, I shrugged.

"They don't care if you have your voice or not, and neither do I," He said and looked at me with caring eyes. I couldn't say no, so I nodded to say I'll go; Kurt seemed to have understood.

"Great! Okay, we can just meet up after school, and we'll go in my car." I nodded.

"Hey, do you want to have lunch with me and my friends today?" I shrugged.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" He begged; I smiled and nodded.

"Sweet, see you at lunch!" Kurt exclaimed and moved to his locker; as I walked to my locker, I heard a loud thud, I quickly turned, and Kurt was on the ground, and Karofsky was laughing. I ran to him and held out my hand; he took it and stood up.

"Thanks," I nodded.

"I really wish they didn't have a voice, so they couldn't laugh at me." He sighed.

I pulled my notebook out.

I don't know anyone who would ever want to kiss Karofsky! Gross! 

"Yeah, gross..." Kurt said.

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