Chapter 20 (Blaine)

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"Well, this isn't working the way we wanted it to. Looks like we're gonna have to get our hands a little dirty." Katrice said with a cruel smile.

Despite the burning pain in my ankle, I stood up and quickly threw Kurt behind me.

"If you want Kurt, you have to go through me first!"

"I don't think that will be too hard," Katrice said. Kurt eyed the nightstand, grabbed Katrice's jewelry box, and threw it at Katrice, hitting her in the head and knocking her down.

"Katrice!" Gerald exclaimed and moved to her side.

"Come on!" Kurt exclaimed, helping me walk quickly, it was difficult, but Kurt and I almost made it to the door.

Just as Kurt was about to open the door, I felt someone grab the collar of my shirt and pull me to the ground; Kurt and I went tumbling.

"Kurt!" I exclaimed, Katrice grabbed both my hands and pinned me to the ground, and Gerald pulled Kurt off the ground, holding his arm backward.

"Let him go!" I exclaimed.

"It's okay, Blaine, I'm okay," Kurt said, but then I heard a freakish crack, and Kurt let out a blood-curdling scream.

"STOP IT!" I screamed as I struggled against Katrice's grip. Gerald threw Kurt to the ground, who whimpered in pain; Gerald pulled out a gun and aimed it at Kurt!

"No! Please, I'm begging you!" I was in tears at this point.

"Please! Please don't hurt him! I won't tell anyone anything. I'll stay silent, I swear!"

"Even if you kept that promise, there's no saying he won't go blabbing to the police, and then where will we be?" Katrice said


"It's okay, Blaine..."

"Please don't, please. I love him!" I sobbed.

"Awe, really think we care? Say goodbye to your soulmate...and your voice."

"No, Kurt!" I screamed; there was a sudden crash. I turned and saw three officers standing in the doorway, two men and a woman.

"Drop the weapon!" The woman exclaimed

"Carole!" Kurt gasped. The two men pulled Katrice and Gerald away from Kurt and me and put handcuffs on them. Carole ran to Kurt and gingerly wrapped her arms around him.

"Are you okay? When Finn called, I knew just where you were."

"I'm fine, God; I thought they killed you! Blaine and I heard a gunshot. I thought it was you!"

"No, that was McClain. Unfortunately, he was a good man. Excuse me, I have to take care of this." She stood up and walked up to Gerald and Katrice.

"Gerald and Katrice Marshall, you're under arrest for kidnap, murder, and attempted murder..."

"You're making a mistake; our son likes to make up stories." Katrice lied "tell them Blaine!"

"I am not your son. And will never ever be my parents!"

"You little brat!" Katrice exclaimed and tried to lunge at me, Carole instantly grabbed her and pushed her towards the door.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law." I heard Carole say as she and the other policeman took Gerald away with Katrice.

I crawled over to Kurt and gently pulled him into my arms.

"I thought I was going to lose you Kurt..." I cried. Kurt released the embrace and looked at me with a smile gently wiping away my tears.

"You can't get rid of me that easy..."

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