Chapter 19 (Kurt)

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The door broke open, and Blaine grabbed my hand tightly.

"Where do we go?" I asked.

"If we hurry, we can make it out the front door; let's go!" He exclaimed and suddenly fell to the ground.

"Blaine! Are you okay?" I exclaimed, getting down on my knees and carefully helping him up; he winced in pain.

"I must have tripped over a loose floorboard or a vent. Dammit!" He grunted in pain; his fake parent's voices echoed through the house.

"Now what?" I panicked.

"That way!" Blaine pointed to the right, and I helped him as he hobbled to the room. I quickly shut and locked the door and rested Blaine on the bed.

"What are we gonna do now?" I asked. Blaine let out a long sigh.

"I'm not going with you, Kurt."

"What do you mean?"

"You're gonna climb out that window, and run-"

"No way, Blaine, I'm not leaving you!"

"I can't walk, Kurt. You have to go by yourself!" Blaine said. My eyes began to water.

"But if they find you-"

"They won't hurt me, they need me for the ransom, but they will kill you if they find you.."

"I'm not leaving you, Blaine! There has to be another way!" I cried.


I was startled by the sudden noise and fell back. The door was on the floor, and Katrice and Gerald stood in the doorway.

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