Chapter 13 (Kurt)

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Finn and I climbed out of my car, and Finn immediately met up with Rachel wrapping his arm around her and kissing her; I sighed and threw my bag over my shoulder.

I was walking and saw Sam talking to Brittany; I ran up to them.

"Hey, have you guys seen Blaine?"

"Nope. Sorry"

"Sorry, unicorn."

"It's okay; I just really need to see him." I walked away and saw someone standing by a locker with raven-black hair; it had to be Blaine; I walked up to him.

"Blaine?" I asked, and he turned to me.

"Can we talk later, maybe after school?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Okay, meet me at the auditorium," I said, then went to my first class.

The school was soon over, and it was time for Blaine and me to meet up; I paced on the stage back and forth; did he know where the auditorium was? Maybe he lost track of time? Oh crap, maybe Karofsky got to him! I was about ready to go and make sure Blaine was okay when he finally walked in; I sighed in relief.

"Hey." I smiled, and he waved back.

"Are you okay?" I asked; he shook his head, then pulled out his notebook.

What did you want to talk to me about?

"Well, I know this is gonna be hard to believe, but I think I may be able to help you."

Blaine wrote in his notebook again.


"That whole soulmate thing is crap; it doesn't have to be your "soulmate" that kisses you. Anyone can kiss you, even someone who already has a voice." Blaine's eyes widened, and he wrote in his notebook more.

How do you know?

"I know...because that's how I got my voice." I sighed; Blaine looked at me, confused. I sat on the piano, and Blaine sat on the bench beside me.

"Remember how you said you didn't know anyone who would ever want to kiss Karofsky?" I asked; Blaine nodded.

"Well... that's what happened to me..." Blaine's eyes widened. I took a deep breath.

"Karofsky already had his voice, how, I really don't know, but he loved nothing more than making my life a living hell...shoving me into lockers and then making fun of me when I couldn't say anything, "My breath hitched, and I could feel a tear start to form.

"He shoved me into the lockers one too many times, so I tried to call him on it, even though I didn't have my voice yet; I had written down everything I wanted to say to him a long time ago, but he kept telling me to get out, b-but I wouldn't and then...he shoved me against one of the lockers and-and kissed me...." I cleared my throat and wiped away the tears that were starting to fall down my face.

"The first words out of my mouth were "Get away from me!" because he tried to kiss me again! And I couldn't believe it..." I sniffed; Blaine rested his hand on mine and looked deeply into my eyes.

"I was terrified that Karofsky was my soulmate, so Brittany, who hadn't found her voice yet, kissed me, and she began talking, and we figured out that anyone can kiss anyone and they'll have their voice...."

Blaine began writing in his book again and held it out to me; his cheeks were very red.

So, you're saying if you kiss me, it might give me my voice back?

"That's exactly what I'm saying...if you're comfortable with it," I said; Blaine wrote in his book more.

Why are you doing this for me?

I reached into my pocket, pulled out the note Blaine gave me, and unfolded it.

"Because-because I love you too, Blaine. And I want to help you." Blaine smiled and walked closer to me, and grabbed my hand. He gave me an approving nod.

Blaine leaned close to me; I closed my eyes, awaiting the feeling of Blaine's lips; our lips connected; something felt different about this kiss; it was soft and gentle, not rough like when Karofsky kissed me; no, I actually wanted this kiss. I wrapped my arms around Blaine, and the kiss deepened; we finally parted.

"Well...did it work?" I asked; I instantly heard a voice that wasn't mine.

"I don't know." It was Blaine! He threw his hand to his mouth in surprise.

"What was that?!"

"Blaine, it's you! You have your voice!"

"I do? Oh my god, I really do...I have my voice!" He exclaimed and pulled me into a hug spinning me in a circle.

"Thank you, Kurt...thank you so much." He cried a little as he tucked into my shoulder.

"Of course." I smiled and held him tighter, then released him, and Blaine wiped away the small tears that were falling, but then his eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"

"Kurt, I have to tell you something!"

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