Chapter 15 (Blaine)

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*An hour ago*

I can't believe it, I have my voice, no more notebooks for me, and it's all thanks to Kurt!

Kurt and I walked to his car when Katrice pulled into the driveway.

"Crap! Now what do we do?"

"Go hide somewhere; she can't see you!"

"What?! I'm not leaving you!"



"Kurt, please!"

Kurt sighed and hid behind a tree.

Maybe if I make a big enough scene, then someone will see.

"Come on, Blaine, get in the car."

"No!" I exclaimed; my fake mom stepped out of the car.

"What did you just say...and how did you say it?"

"I'm not going with you."

"Stop acting ridiculous, Blaine, and get in the car."

"I'm not going with you! I want to be with my real parents!" I exclaimed, and Katrice grabbed my arm.

"You don't know what you're talking about..."

"I know you're not my real mom, that you kidnapped me and that-" I was interrupted when I felt a prick in my neck, my vision got blurry, and everything went black.

My eyes fluttered open, and I was lying in the basement again; I tried to sit up but couldn't use my hands for support; they were tied behind my back.

The door came open, and my fake parents came downstairs.

"Well, look who's awake?" Gerald said and grabbed my arm, and forced me to sit up.

"So, what's your plan now? Are you gonna keep me locked up forever?!"

"Not forever, just until you turn eighteen," Katrice said

"He doesn't turn eighteen until next month." Gerald groaned

"Wow, I'm surprised you actually remember," I said, rolling my eyes; Katrice slapped me in my face, and I went tumbling onto the ground; my eyes began to water.

"Now, what are we going to do?" Gerald sighed.

"You know, I did hear about this old legend that if a person's soulmate dies, their voice will be locked forever...." Katrice told Gerald; my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach!

"I don't even know if it was my soulmate, anyone can kiss you, and you'll get your voice back!" I panicked.

"Really? And how do you know this?" Katrice asked

I couldn't tell them that Kurt told me they could go after him!

"I heard some kids at school talking about it..."

"And who gave you your voice?" Gerald asked

"Why would I tell you that?!"

"So you're saying you got some random person to kiss you? I don't believe that. Tell us who it is now!" He shouted in my face. I could feel my body tremble.

"I have a feeling I know who it is; stay here with him," Katrice said and ran upstairs.

I was beginning to go into instant panic mode; I couldn't let them find out about Kurt; they'll kill him; I don't care about losing my voice; I can't lose Kurt!

I struggled against the tape, trying to break free, but I was knocked to the ground again, and Gerald kicked me in the ribs repeatedly.

"Gerald, that's enough. He'll suffer more later." Katrice said, coming down the stairs with my sketchbook in her hand.

"Did you find his soulmate or whoever gave him his voice?"

"I think I did," Katrice said, then opened the sketchbook and showed him my drawing of Kurt!

"It isn't him." I coughed. "It's-it wasn't Kurt."

"Mmh, you see, that was one thing I actually liked about you, Blaine...." Katrice said, walking up to me and grabbing my face, "You're a horrible liar."

"It's not him, I swear!"

"Oh Gerald, shut him up."

"I miss when he was silent," Gerald said, pulling a strip of duct tape off the roll.

"Oh, don't worry, it won't be long." Katrice smiled sinisterly, and Gerald pressed the tape to my mouth and left. I screamed, hoping someone would hear me, wishful thinking. At this point, I could only pray that they didn't find Kurt.

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