Chapter 14 (Kurt)

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"What is it?" I asked

"My parents are not my real parents!" Well, I wasn't expecting that.

"Your parents are what now?"

"I heard them talking about it last night; Gerald and Katrice are not my real parents; they kidnapped me when I was a child!"

"Why would they hold you for so long and pretend to be your parents?"

"Because they want a huge amount of money to get out of Lima."

"There are easier ways of getting out of town than kidnapping someone else's child!"

"I still can't believe it..."

"Okay, we have to report this! My stepmom Carole, she's a cop; we can have them arrested and maybe find your real parents."

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Of course Blaine, you deserve to be with a family who loves you."

He pulled me into another tight embrace.

"Thank you, Kurt...thank you so much." He cried a little as he tucked into my shoulder.

"Of course," I said and then grabbed his hand.

"Come on, let's go."


"Finn has football practice, so he'll be a while."

Blaine and I were walking to my car when his fake mom's car pulled up.

"Crap! Now what do we do?"

"Go hide somewhere; she can't see you!" Blaine exclaimed.

"What?! I'm not leaving you!"



"Kurt, please!" Blaine said with pleading eyes. I sighed, ran behind a tree, and quickly pulled out my phone. I pulled up my camera so I could sew what was happening.

I saw Blaine talking to his mother, but something happened, and he began to drop to the ground. Did she drug him?!

I climbed into my car and drove to the police station; I quickly climbed out of the car and ran inside.

"Can I help you?" One of the cops asked Lance; Lance was a heavier-set man who worked behind the desk, which was covered in sprinkles.

"I'm here to see Carole or Officer Hudson. Is she here?"

"She should be in her office."

"Thanks," I quickly found her office and opened the door.

"Kurt, what are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you; it's really important."

"Of course; what is it?"

"My friend Blaine, he's in trouble."

"Blaine? The one that doesn't have a voice?"

"He has a voice now, but that's not what matters right now; what matters is that Blaine's parents are not really his parents!"

"Woah, hold on, Kurt, what are you talking about?"

"He heard them say it themselves. Apparently, they abducted him when he was a child. He's lived his entire life thinking these horrible people are his parents, but they're not; they took him for some kind of ransom."

"Why would they hold him for so long?"

"I don't know; Blaine said they wanted money to leave Lima. It explains why they didn't want him to find his voice; if he ever found out the truth, he wouldn't be able to tell anyone."

"They were probably hoping he never found out the truth. Alright, I'll look into it. What's his name?"

"Blaine, Blaine Marshall...although that might not be his real last name."

"Okay, what are the names of the people that kidnapped him?"

"Katrice and Gerald."

"Okay, we'll get an address and see if we can find him."

"I know where they live,"

"Okay, give me the address, and then you need to go home."

"What? No, I'm not going home! Not while Blaine is in trouble!"

"Kurt, seriously, you need to leave this to us."


"Kurt, go home; I mean it."

"Fine..." I said, wrote the address down on paper, and handed it to Carole.

"It's pretty hidden."

"We'll find it."

"Alright. I have to go back to pick up Finn. Keep me posted."

"We'll find your friend, Kurt, don't worry."

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