Chapter 24 (Blaine)

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Finn walked up the stairs to the stage and reached out his hand to help Rachel as she hoisted her long pale pink dress and made her way to the stage.

"Thank you, Principal Figgins. This has been a very memorable and absolutely unforgettable prom!" Rachel exclaimed, and Finn wrapped his arm around her.

"Well, this prom is going to be a bit different; normally, you say one and then the least, I think that's what you do."

"However, this time, we're doing it differently, and the candidates all know this." I was a little confused; what was happening?

"So without further ado, you're new prom royalty...." I couldn't believe what I heard next!

"Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson!" Rachel announced. It was silent for a minute, but then people began to clap, and Kurt and I looked at each other, confused.

Kurt made his way to the stage and held his hand out the same way Finn did; I took it and made my way to the stage. Finn placed a golden crown on Kurt's head and handed him a scepter. I was still confused as Rachel placed the crown on my head.

"Now, as is tradition, our kings would like to invite you to join them for the royal prom dance!" Rachel said, excited. Kurt guided me to the center of the gym, and Rachel and Finn began to sing Open Arms by Journey.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Kurt.

"I don't know..." He said, and we began to slowly dance to the song.

"This isn't a prank, is it?" I asked, my voice getting faster. "I mean, someone isn't going to throw pig's blood on us like Carrie; you know that movie, right?"

"Blaine, Blaine, calm down," Kurt said, gently resting his hand on my face.

"Rachel and Finn wouldn't do something like that."

"Then why did they do it?"

"I think because they wanted you to have a good memory that you can hold on to forever...Blaine, you've been through hell; honestly, if anyone deserves this, it's you." Kurt smiled at me. I looked deep into his eyes.



"I don't care who it may really be, to're my soulmate...and always will be," I said smiling. Kurt's eyes began to water, and he held me close.

"I love you, Blaine Anderson."

"And I love you, Kurt Hummel...."

The song ended, and everyone joined us on the dance floor; confetti shot out, and balloons dropped.

It was an amazing night, and with Kurt, my soulmate, it's an amazing life.

The End.

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