Chapter 22 (Blaine)

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Kurt and I were released from the hospital a few days later, and I went home with my family, my real family.

I looked out the window as we drove to what I assumed was home. The driveway was smooth, and I could see a humongous white house!

"Welcome home, Blaine." My mom smiled; I couldn't believe It.

"I-I live here?"

"Yes, honey."

"It's huge!" I bit my lip and cleared my throat.

"I mean, it's, it's much bigger than my old home, it-"

"Blaine, what's wrong?" Cooper asked


"What are you sorry for?" My mom asked

"I-I don't know."

"Oh honey, you don't have anything to apologize for."

"Come on, son, let's go inside."

I stepped out of the car, and my mom rested her hand on my shoulder and told me to close my eyes.


"We have a surprise for you."

"A surprise? I haven't been surprised, not even for my birthday."

"Oh, baby...well, I promise you'll like this. Shut your eyes." I smiled and closed my eyes and was guided by my parents up some stairs, I could hear a door creak open, and they pulled me into the mysterious room.

"Okay, open your eyes." I opened my eyes and was in a large room with a bed.

"Is this my room?"

"We changed the bed while you were at the hospital and finally got to clean it," Mom said

"Mom refused to touch your room for a long time," Cooper said, chuckling a little; I hung my head.

"I'm sorry..."

"For what, honey?"

"Because I thought my life was miserable suffered so much...."

"Blaine, it's not like you chose to go home with those people..." Cooper said.

"Do you like it?" My mom asked me; I smiled.

"I love it!" I ran to the bed and plopped down on it.

"Oh my god, this is like laying on a cloud!" I exclaimed happily; my parents and Cooper all smiled.

"Oh, we have something to show you," My mom said, pulling out a large box.

"What's this?"

"Go ahead and open it." My mom said; I smiled and pulled the box open; inside were pictures that looked like they were drawn by a child, some clothes, and stuffed animals.

"Is this all mine?"

"Yes, we were going to take it to storage, but your mother thought you'd want to see it. Everything in that's you, son."

I rummaged through the box and found a golden stuffed puppy with the biggest eyes. My mom smiled.

"We found that at a yard sale one day, and you never went anywhere without that dog. She was your best friend!" I held onto the dog, and it was odd; I got a strange feeling as if I could almost see a small boy wrapping his arms around the stuffed toy and refusing to let go.

I continued searching through the box and found a piece of paper with many tiny handprints on it in many colors.

"Is that my hand?" I couldn't help but laugh a little; it was so small.

"You had the tiniest hands," Cooper smiled, but his smile dropped.

"You made that the day I lost you...I ran to Mom and Dad crying so hard because I couldn't find you...."

"All these years, I thought Katrice and Gerald were my parents, and I always wondered why they treated me so horribly...."

"Blaine...had we known you were with those people...your father and I searched day and night for you, your brother made missing posters of you, we did everything we could but...we-"

"We never found you, and...we just assumed the worst." My dad said solemnly; I immediately hugged both of them.

"I'm never leaving you again..."

"Oh honey..." My mom sighed and held me tightly and kissed my head.

(One year later)

I finished gelling my hair as I looked at myself in the mirror. I heard a light knock on my door and my mother called my name.

"Come in!" I called, she opened the door and her eyes lit up.

"Oh Blaine, you look so handsome..."

"Thank you..." I fiddled at my tie

"What is it honey?"

"It's nothing, it's stupid."

"I'm your mother Blaine." She walked up to me and fixed my tie.

"Well...this is a dance, a formal dance, and well...I don't know how to dance..." I sighed.

"I mean, I dance around my room, but I've never actually slow danced, you know...with a partner."

"Well," My mom smiled and turned on some music on her phone, and held her hand out to me.

"May I have this dance?" I smiled and took her hand.

"Put your hand on my waist,"

"Excuse me?"

"My waist Blaine, and I will hold onto your take my hand, good, now, just feel the music, and step back as I step forward."

I did as she instructed, and we danced around my room.

"See, it's easy!"

"Yeah, it really is!" I smiled, then the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Mom said, then went downstairs.

" can do this," I whispered to myself, grabbed the small box containing Kurt's boutonniere, and ran downstairs and saw Kurt talking to my mom.

" look amazing." He said, smiling.

"Thank you, and so do you," I said, admiring his outfit.

"Thank you, my ensemble is a tribute to the recent royal wedding and the late Alexander McQueen. I had to make it myself."

"I love it," I said, then attached the boutonniere to his tux, and then he did the same.

"Oh, let me get my camera!"

"Mom's taken pictures of everything" I shrugged.

"It's understandable."

"Yeah...but I don't want to think about that right now," I said, then kissed him.

"Okay, get together, boys." My mom squealed, and Kurt placed his arm around me.


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