Chapter 21

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Sofia sat at the table when Leo and Raph walked into the kitchen.

Mikey rummaged through the fridge before looking over. "Okay, guys, what do you want: omelet pizza or pizza omelet?"

"What's the difference?" Raph questioned.

"Okay, you caught my bluff," Mikey replied with a cheeky grin.

Simultaneously, their phones all went off with a text notification.

"Hey, did you guys just get a mass text from April?" Donnie questioned as he looked at his phone.

"Yeah," the rest all replied together.

"Well, does yours also say she's being attacked by an old lady?"

"Sure does."


"Same over here."

Donnie looked up to the others. "Is that considered an emergency?"

"I guess," Leo replied witha shrug. "Let's go!"


They all ran into the school where April said she was hiding from some old lady that was after her.

Immediately, Mikey's eyes enlarged in awe. "Sweet! So, this is what school is like!"

An alarm started blaring and Sofia looked down to see that their weapons were setting off the metal detectors in the front entrance.

Raph growled and used his sai to continuously stab the sensor.

"Woah there, killer. I think you got it," Sofia said as she stopped Raph from his murder of the defenseless metal detector.

He looked at her before giving one last stab for good measure.

They walkedup the stairs to see an older lady standing with her back to them.

"Okay. I feel stupid," Raph grumbled.

Sofia narrowed her eyes as she studied the lady. "Guys..."

"April's gotta learn the tphones are for emergencies only," Leo spoke as his shooulders dropped.

"Ap-ap-april O'Neil?"

The lady's head spun around to face them with gowing red eyes.

"Aw, sewere bunnies."

"Guys, she's not alive!" Sofia warned quickly before the lady lifted her arms.

Her forearms folded back, blasters coming from her elbows, rockets quickly flying at them.

The five were blown against the stairs and Mikey looked over to his older brother.

"Leo, I think this oes count as a-"

"An emergency! I know!" Leo shot back as he pushed  himself up.

The lady let out a screech before she smashed the railing of the stairs which made Leo and Mikey jump out of the way.

Raph leapt at her and moved to strike her with his sai. The metal of his weapon went straight through her hand and there was a crackling of electricity before he was thrown to a nearby trophy case.

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