Chapter 6

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I started to wake up due to my comm going off, I put two digits against it to answer "yes" I said in a groggy voice. "Echo one of the excavation teams has failed to report in, I want you and the predacon to investigate. So that we may see if it's as adapted at fetching bones as it is hunting autobos" said Megatron "understood" I said in a more alert tone.

I got up and stretched as Predaking began to wake up from the loss of my presence. He woke up and looked at me "get up Predaking, we're going hunting" I said as I walked to the door. He got up and stretched then followed me.

Once we got to the flight deck Soundwave sent me the coordinates and we both took off into the sky, heading towards the unsuspecting autobots waiting for us. Once we arrived at the coordinates I noticed the same ship that attacked Predaking and sent him through a groundbridge.

I transformed and Predaking landed beside me "ok the autobots must be below" I looked over the edge of a nearby cliff and saw the entrance of the mine and several dead vehicons. "Ok I want you to go in there" I said as I pointed to the entrance, he looked down then back to me.

"I'll be over there waiting to ambush them, alright" I said as I pointed to an open cavern nearby and bent my knees as I got ready to run, he crouched down and waiting for my signal. "Ready...set...go!" Then we were off to our areas. I climbed down onto a ledge that was a good bit off the bottom of the cavern and waited.

I could almost feel Predakings roar echo off the walls, I heard his ped steps as well as vehicle engines. Two cars and a truck came out of the cave and a massive fire ball followed them, they managed to get out of the way in time.

There was some loud roars and the sound of a struggle coming from the cave 'Oh scrap, he might be stuck' I thought as the vehicles transformed. There was Wheeljack, Bulkhead and a big blue mech I didn't know, but he did have the forge of Solus Prime.

My suspicions were answered when big blue spoke "that rock won't hold it forever, we need to contact base and request reinforcements." I moved a bit farther back on the ledge to call for my own backup but all I got was static. 'Scrap too far underground, gotta get higher' I thought "wreckers don't call for backup" said Wheeljack with his servos on his hips.

Bulkhead and big blue looked at him, Bulkhead had something in his servo but I can't quite see what it is. Bulkhead turned to big blue "what Jacky means is we can't get a comlink signal this far underground" said Bulkhead as big blue looked at Wheeljack and he crosses his arms.

Bulkhead walked over to the cave wall and placed a human down 'that must be one of the human kids Wheeljack talked about' I thought. "Miko I have to get you out of here, gonna need you to climb" said Bulkhead as he looked up to see daylight through the hole I climbed through.

"No way, I wanna help" said Miko as she put her servo over her chassis 'brave human, I'll give her that' I thought as big blue approached her. "And you will, your mission, reach my ship so that you can contacted Optimus Prime." "Yes sir" said Miko as she saluted him and started climbing the wall.

I also began to slowly climb the wall so I could get a comlink through, once I was about halfway up I was able to get in contact with Starscream. "Starscream I need backup, I am sending our coordinates" I whispered as I sent them. "Copy that Echo, I'll be there shortly" said Starscream as he hung up.

There was more banging and roaring from the cave 'he's almost free' I thought as I slowly began to climb back down and waited to attack. "Not sure I like the sound of that" said Wheeljack as he looked at the cave, were Predaking was trapped. "So uh" said Bulkhead.

"We make our stand, here and now" said big blue as he got the forge ready to fight. Wheeljack and Bulkhead followed his lead and got their blasters out, then they ran to opposite sides of the cave behind some rocks. Their blasters ready, Bulkhead was really close too me but I remained hidden in the shadows.

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