Chapter 12 ~Girl talk~

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"What's up?" I asked. I was wondering what they called me back to them for.
"Can we talk to you outside," Kat asked. I shook my head yes and we walked out the sliding glass door to the backyard.
"Girly we think someone might have a crush on you," Devyn said with a big smile on her face.
"And who is that?," I asked sarcastically. "It's not like y'all didn't purposely set me and Colby next to each other. Y'all didn't even give us two couch cushions." They all looked at each other. They knew I knew what they were doing.
"Umm, We have no clue what your talking about,"Tara said in a tone kinda like an 'oh fuck they know' tone.
"Nice try y'all aren't very smooth," I told them as I crossed arms.
"But do you see the way he was looking at you? He talks about you all the time too," Kat said trying to prove her point.
"He talks about me," I asked shocked.I didn't think I was that important. And I sure as hell didn't think anyone would like me expecialy him.
"Oh yeah while you were gone he was talking about you nonstop,"Kat said. She had a sound in her voice saying that it was annoying. Because he would talk about me so much. And I mean I would be annoyed too if I was her.
I didn't respond I just looked at my hands. I can't believe that he was talking about me I didn't even do anything.
"Kat!.. Tara!.. Devyn!.. Val!..," The boys all yelled.
"We will, finish this conversation later," Tara said as we all started to go inside.
"Ok," I said and rolled my eyes. I thought that conversation was over. When we got inside all of the guys were looking around the house for us.
"Where the hell were you guys," Colby asked you could see the fear in his eyes.
"We were outside having a girl talk," Kat responded.
"We weren't even outside that long," Tara said.
"You guys were gone for at least a half a hour to a hour,"Colby said his eyes looked scared still. You could see he was clenching his first just a little bit. The girls and I all looked at each other. We didn't think that we were outside that long.
After none of us responded Colby spoke again,"Guys I found them!"
All of the guys came rushing over to where we were. They ran up and hugged their girlfriends all saying something along the line of,'I was so scared.' Me and Colby looked at each other and locked eyes before I looked away.
"Can we watch that movie now?" Jake asked all of us. We all answer back with a "yes" or a "yeah".
We all go and sit on the couch. They only left me and Colby one cushion on the couch this time. I went and sat down on the floor. Colby sat down on the couch. He looked at me with the look in his eye that he wasn't happy I was sitting on the ground.
"Do you guys wanna watch one of the conjuring movies?" Sam asked as he saw the first and second movie pop up on Netflix. Everyone responded with a 'yes' or some sort of 'yea'. Colby looked down at his phone and I think was typing. Not even seconds later I got a notification on my phone. It was a Text from Colby.

Colby:Come over here and sit on the couch
Valerie: Why should i do that? The floor is just as comfortable
Colby: Because I don't want you to be sitting on the floor now get over here
Valerie: And what if I just don't get up?
Colby: Then I will pick you up and set you on the couch in front of all these people.
Valerie: Ugh fine i'm getting up
Colby: Thank you
Valerie: -_-

I got up and sat down next to Colby. Our thighs were touching. Colby looked at me with a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes then looked at the movie that was playing. It had just shown the title of the movie. I felt Colby put his arm around me but he wasn't touching me. I looked over at him. He was looking forward watching the movie. I looked back at the movie.
After about 20 minutes I felt Colby's had touch my shoulder and his arm on my back. I looked over at Colby and we locked eyes he smiled at me. I smiled back at him and looked back at the movie. I leaned over and laid my head on the side of his chest I was closest to. I felt Colby pull my shoulder making me move a little closer into him.

After about an hour and 20 minutes the credits for the movie started. Colby moved his arm after everyone started to get up. The girls looked at me with a huge grin on their faces. I rolled my eyes back at them. Colby and I got up shortly after everyone else left the room.
"Are you ready to go upstairs?"Colby asked.
"Yea let's go,"I told Colby as I stood up from the couch. Colby followed me as I walked up the stairs into his room.
Colby went over to his dresser and opened only one drawer. I didn't see what her grabbed. Then he walked over to the bathroom. I just realized that my backpack was still in Colby's car. When I was going to get my makeup whipes.
I waited for Colby to come out of the bathroom. Until I spoke that I needed to go out to his car and get my bag. I had to wait maybe 5 minutes for Colby to come out of the bathroom.
"Hey, can you unlock your car so I can get my backpack. I need my pajamas and makeup whipes," I told him as he sat down on his bed.
"You can just sleep in a pair of my sweat pants and a shirt I you want. And there are makeup whipes in the third drawer down on the left," Colby said. He sounded genuinely glad I didn't bring my bag in for some reason.
"Thanks, but why can't I just go out and grab my bag?"I asked him.
"I don't want you going outside at night. That is when the crazy people are out and we have had people jump our fence before," Colby said. His voice was sturn but get soft.
"Oh ok," I said as Colby went over and grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie from his drawer.
"Here you go,"Colby said as he walked over and handed me the clothes.
"Thank you," I told Colby and walked into his bathroom and closed the door. I got changed and took off my makeup. Before coming out maybe 10 minutes later.
I walked out of his bathroom and over to his couch. As I was getting comfortable on his couch to go to sleep. Colby spoke," You don't have to sleep on that couch. Trust me I have blacked out on it and it's not comfortable. I mean it's better than the living room couch but it still hurts."
"Then were would I sleep on the floor? I'm fine really," I said in a sarcastic tone.
"You can sleep in my bed I'll take the couch,"Colby said to me. I felt bad I didn't want to take his bed. And make him sleep on the couch.
"No it's fine you can have your bed. I feel bad taking that from you it's your room and your home," I said to Colby. I laid down and realized I didn't have a blanket and just laid without one.
"But your a guest," Colby said still standing up.
"It's fine I'll sleep on the couch. Now go to bed," I told Colby and crossed my arms still laying on the couch.
"Ugh fine," Colby said as he walked over to his bed and took of his shirt before laying down. Then spoke once again," But if at anytime you get uncomfortable you come over and lay in my bed, agree?"
"Agree," I said and closed my eyes trying to sleep.

Colby's P.O.V:

I woke up maybe an hour or two after I fell asleep to see Valerie still curled up on the couch. I just now realized that I forgot to give her a blanket. Shoot.
I stood up from my bed and walked over to my closet where I kept some extra blankets. I took one of the bigger blankets from my closet that was a little bit thicker than the others.
I laid the blanket on top of her then laid back down and covered myself up with my blanket.

After about 20 minutes of laying down and not falling asleep I took a look at my phone, to see the time. It was around 2:30 a.m.
After I sat my phone back down. I thought I heard someone lightly crying. I didn't know who it was so I stood up and went to check on Valerie.
When I looked at her you could see some tears running down her face. But she was still out cold. I picked her up and sat her down in my bed before walking to the other side to lay down.
Once I got the blankets covering her and I. I grabbed her and pulled her close to me. I could feel the fabric of my hoodie on my chest as her back touched me. I held her close and tight before I fell asleep.

   Thank you all so much for reading love kills. When I was making this book at first I didn't even think I was going to publish it anywhere. But I did and here we are. As always if you have any filler chapter suggestions please comment them or if I have any tipos please tell me so I can go through and fix them. Bye everyone. ✌️
(Word count: 1696)

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