Chapter 14 ~just another day?~

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It was just a normal Monday I was running a little late to work. When I got into the office I was greeted by Allie.
"Hi, Valerie, how was your weekend?" Allie questioned. She was super happy like always.
"Just hung out with some of my friends over the weekend," I told her as I walked over to her desk.
"That sounds like so much fun. Where you at a party? Because someone from the top floor asked about you being at a party," Allie said to me. This girl keeps taps on everyone damn and she's happy doing it.
"Yeah I was at a party on Friday," I tell her. Looking at my watch to see it's 3 minutes after the time I'm supposed to be working.
"Oh that's super fun," Allie said in an upbeat voice.
"Yeah well I should probably get to work. I'm already like ten minutes late," I tell her.
"Ok oh have fun," Allie said smiling.
"I'll try my best," I told her as I walked over to the elevator and clicked the up arrow.
I stood at the elevator for maybe 30 seconds at the doors opened. I got into the elevator and clicked my floor number. After standing in the elevator for a minute it came to a stop at my floor. The doors opened and I stepped out of the elevator and walked over to my office cubical.
After about 2 hours of working on editing a video I finally got one done it was only around lunch time. I got up and left my cubicle to go get a drink. As I walked dover to the vending machines I got some good jobs. Which I'm guessing were from me killing that spider last week.
I went over to the pop vending machine and got a coke. The. I went and got a small big of chips for a snack to eat.
I don't want to go get food yet. I want to wait until I get out of work. Plus I only have 2 more videos to edit.
I walked back over to my cubicle and started to work again.

It's now about 3-4 p.m. and I just now finished up editing for the day. I walked out of my cubicle to the elevator. When the elevator stopped at my floor there was already one other person in the elevator.
I got into the elevator and saw that it was already going to floor number one so I didn't click any buttons and waited for the door to close.
The other person was taller than me by maybe 3-4 inches. He had blonde fluffy hair and green eyes. He was wearing a suit so I was guessing he is one of the CEOs for the company.
"Hello," I said tired of the awkward silence.
"Hello miss," He said his voice was deep but not that deep.
"How is your day so far?" I asked just trying to make some small talk.
"Decent, how was yours?" He asked me. He had a smile on his face which is the opposite of when I got into the elevator because he had a straight face and didn't look like he had any emotions.
"Mine was pretty good. Other than that the new trend is 24 hour videos," I told him.
"Oh, so you're a video editor here," He said he looked a little shocked by me being a video editor since we have photographers, videographers, and some models here.
"Yeah I am," I said and the elevator came to the first floor and the doors opened.
"My name's Carter. Ask Allie for my number and text me a random fruit and your name so I know it's you," Carter had said to me as we walked out of the elevator.
"I will," I told him as we went separate ways.
He was going to the door and I was going to the front desk to ask Allie for his number. I can't believe this hot dude at work who is probably one of the CEOs for the company asked me to text him.
"Hey Valerie what's up?"Allie asked me as I walked over to the desk since I don't normally talk to her after work.
"Can I get Carter's number?" I asked her even though he already gave me the ok.
"Yeah sure. I would ask questions but I'm not allowed to when the person is that high of a rank and I don't have to ask you the code word because I heard him say you could have it," Allie said to me ask she handed me a piece of paper that said, "Carter Jones person cell phone number."
"Thank you," I said as Allie handed me the paper.
After I was given the paper I put it in my pocket. I'll text him when I get home.

Sorry this was a shorter chapter guys. I just needed a filler chapter and I thought some drama might be nice for a change. And no Carter Jones is not biased off of a real person it was just someone I saw in a dream and thought he would make a good character in my book. Thank you all for the love and support. Love you all. Peace ✌️
(Word count: 892)

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