Francis Lane.

180 7 83

Runaway - Bon Jovi

Ft Looks That Kill by Motlëy Cruë and Nothing But A Good Time by Poison.

I forced myself to revise this. I had writers block because I can't taste monster currently(I'm sick or it might be my taste buds) but it made me really emotional since it's my go to writing drink.
Sorry if this isn't the best chapter.








Travis trekked a street over from his house. He wondered how he got away on a Saturday night with Kenneths permission. It wasn't his first time lying, but he couldn't help but to feel a bit of guilt about it.

He'd been told there was a party at Tom Campbells house, which had been a cousin of Ashleys. The blond assumed Sal would be there and he made the decision last minute to go.

It would be his first ever party experience and he was a tad bit nervous, but probably nothing he couldn't handle.

Francis lane 714 was already playing muffled music and the gangly teenager hoped there wouldn't be any cops involved as he stepped up to the front door and turned the nob, walking into the overcrowded house.

Repeated words came to him from a foreign musician that sounded about like 'she got looks that kill.' Whatever song it was, it hurt his ears along with yelling voices that made his head pound.

As he made his way through large groups of people he heard a familiar voice of the blue haired boy. It made Travis' heart beat faster than normal. He swings his head around to see someone talking to him.

The male was saying something that sounded like 'freak' and as Travis got closer, he was witnessing the scene.

"Why do you wear that thing? Do you even have a face underneath-" Travis cuts him off, feeling anger rise in the pit of his stomach.

"Leave him alone!" He yells, there wasn't much attention because people were dancing around, yelling and having an overall good time. Sals eyes flashed confusion and relief.

"I see what this is, preachers son also a freak for whatever this is?" He points over at Sal, a smug look settling on his face.  Travis flinched at the comment, imagining what would happen if Kenneth, the preacher of Phelps ministry, found out about how he liked Sal.

Travis crosses his arms, not letting the person see into his facade, "he's mine to bully, walk away before I cut off your toes and make you eat them."

A snicker is heard from Sal which makes him force down a smile as he looks at the pale skinned ravenet with a serious tone.

"You think that scares me?" The male piped up, raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes to give him a crazed look.

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