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Sanitys Fall/Steve Gabry/Portable Moose - shadow

I think I use to much commas but it's okay. I split this chapter up. Also fun fact; I made a presentation in Google slides about Steve gabry(creator of sallyface for those who don't know) in a class. When presenting I had sallyface on one of the slides and it was on everyone's screen and I swear someone was like "oh god😰" it was really funny considering sallyface is kinda geeky or something and that class mostly has country people in it. I love that teacher though🤞💞
Carry on reading.







Orange haze covered the trees of Nockfell as Sal trekked towards Travis' house. Sal had made the excuse that he had been hanging out with a potential love interest of his, which was half true.

Sal didn't know how to feel about the blond, except that being near him felt right and he wanted to hold his hand; maybe kiss him. Thinking about it made his stomach swirl, that's why he told his friends it was a love interest and not just Travis.

The day before, they'd made plans for a hangout, determining the location would be Travis' house because Kenneth was on ministry business. Although, the blond was a bit reluctant, agreeing anyways because he didn't want to visit the creepy apartments yet.

He arrived at his destination, the house was two stories and was made of light brown bricks and had darker shades of shingles on the roof. There were a few wildflowers growing on the lawn and bushes beside the porch that looked un-groomed. There were wood railings on the porch and two rocking chairs on it when Sal made his way up a singular step.

He knocked on the door loudly and it opened to a Blond. He was holding the door open, wearing his favorite light purple sweater, his jaw sporting a yellow-green bruise on it.

"Hey" Travis greets, moving aside from the door to let Sal inside.

"Hey, dude!" Sal walked in onto hardwood floors. He was in the living room that had a brown leather couch and box tv. There was a bookshelf in the corner and a few photos hung on the wall of Travis and presumably family members. "Cool place."

"Oh, thank you." Travis flushed out of embarrassment, the house was certainly not cool to him and was very eerie to be in as it carried traumatizing memories.

Sal notices grey-purple hair in a portrait with Kenneth Phelps and has to ask while pointing towards it, "Is this- Mrs. Packerton?"

The blond looks over and squints, "I think so. She and him were close. She used to bring cookies when speaking to him." He shrugs and the blue haired boy seemed to frown underneath his prosthetic.

"Oh, I see. Todd would like to know that" he informs without actually meaning to share that information.

"That she brought me cookies?" Travis rolls the hem of his shirt with his hands, heart beating unsteady. There was a bad feeling twisting his insides.

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