Joyful Autumn.

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Unchained - Van Halen
Mentions of selfharm(no graphic description) I was debating on actually writing about it but I will.
This story would've been longer if I chose to put angsty romance quarrels but I didn't because healthy relationships goals🤞
This story is really fast because I did not write the cultist drama mostly because it's a salvis fic and not centered on the cult things.
It ends because I'm tired of writing soft fluffy things and have no clue what else to do with this fic, hoping you understand. I wrote out all the chapters in my notes before but I don't really have a better reason for not continuing the fluffy things.
This is super short I'm so sorry I have no clue what else to put in the Epilogue. Peace out dudes💟☹️🤞







Travis been working with his religious matters, sometimes scoffing when he saw pamphlets for a newly rebuilt church. He'd been in therapy, about the religious trauma, physical trauma, mental trauma and other things. It had been going good for him.

Sal on the other hand tried looking in the mirror multiple times without his prosthetic and was trying to stop pondering about how Travis could ever love him. He forced himself to see himself as loveable and that he was actually attractive in way. He liked the scars that sat on his wrist. Some pink, others white, but he didn't know why he didn't like the scars that carved out his face.

During those low times when Sal had a bad mindset, the blond would cradle him tenderly and kiss him on the forehead, whispering sweet words to him.

It was autumn, the following year. A lot had changed; the cult was gone and Travis was working on the weekends to stay in his new apartment with the help of Sal. They were even about to move in with Neil, Todd's boyfriend.

Almost everyone had lived and stopped tenants in the apartments from being tainted by the endless ones plague. Travis had pushed his father into the pit after being an unloyal cult member, not feeling any remorse from that.

They'd been able to defeat everything a little faster with the help of Travis. Surprisingly, Celestine had her own part in everything as she was the one to pair the two up in the first place. The butterfly effect works in mysterious ways, in another universe they could be in the ground. (They r lol)

Now, with the sun setting below the horizon, the couple was joined on the couch. While watching some cheesy romance movie, they fell asleep on the couch. Travis had his head on Sals lap, snoring quietly while Sal had his head tilted back. It hadn't been a pleasant nap, but they cherished it.

Sal, overtime, had grown comfortable with Travis seeing his face. he'd actually wanted to see it, kiss it and spend time with the blue haired boy without being disgusted of him, which was one of his biggest fears that things could turn around one day.

They were soon leaving for college in a happy relationship with great friends.

If thinking about Ashley and Larry, they came out about their relationship a week or two after Larry discovered Sal and Travis' romance.

After saving the apartments and in present time, Travis and Sal had been a teensy bit more open with their relationship. They never audibly said they were dating outloud, but their eyes and physical contact said it all most of the time when around others.

Lisa and Henry were thrilled to see them happy; especially Henry since he's saw all of the blue haired boys worst moments.

Travis had been beyond greatful for his new life and couldn't imagine it any other way without Sal. Just as Sal couldn't imagine himself not with Travis.

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