32) ashley

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I could still feel his claws gashing out my stomach and even if I wanted to forget I couldn't. I looked down at the permanent scarring I will have for the rest of my life. The war is over but it's still one inside my head.

"You look beautiful"

I wrapped my robe up who tells someone they look beautiful after being gashed open. Atleast it wasn't my face is what destiny told me she was right about that I can hide this from the world but it's still there

"dinners almost ready ash, we should get going"

I look around the pack hospital room something lily had build when she first became Luna for all packs that were Allie's could go, she gave me my first job here after I completed school.  But it wasn't enough with me I wanted to work in a big hospital saving humans and that's what I did

"I pulled the car in front"

I just wanted to lay back down and hid from the world I didn't want to be seen as this person they were going to make me out to be, this sick hurt girl that got fucked up during the war

"Mrs ashley everything's ready for discharge, you remember the do's and donts and to come back twice for the checks ups, and then to come to remove the stables"

How can I forget the stabled keeping my skin together

"Come on bae let's go home"

The drive was silent after Austin tried to get me to talk He just stopped trying. my family wanted to sit at this long table pretending everything was okay, everything was going to be just fine but how come I laid there dying with no help, how come no one else got hurt, how come I'm the only one walking away with a scar

I was angry and I hated deigo I was glad he was dead

We arrived at the pack house were my family and other pack members stood waiting

"Welcome home Ashley! We missed you" I stared at lily and gave her a hug, her hair was growing back and she was looking better

"Ash we made your favorites" Tamara says with a smile on her face this bitch

I just went past everyone and sat down at the table they gave me worry eyes but I was fine I was going to bounce back from this but I no longer wanted to be here around these people, My nieces was okay, we protected them and my little sister that's all that matters!

"Well I have something to tell everybody" I look up at Nicole hoping it isn't bad news I couldn't take it if it was

"I'm pregnant"

The room just fell quiet no one has ever been pregnant except for Nicole she was never here for it though

"Congratulations, hopefully it's a boy" i surprised myself and everyone else by talking but this was a good thing finally something to take peoples minds off of me I was scarred not dead

"It's gonna be boy" Nathan says smiling

Everyone broke out in  conversation about the baby and shit it was like normal and for that dinner I forgot about everything, the war inside my head and the scar.

"Yeah nicole gon ahead and pop them kids for all of us cause I'm not having kids" destiny laughs

"Me either I rather just be a auntie" I said

"Atleast you guys can have kids"


"No it's okay I'm just saying if I had the opportunity to have kids I would jump on board not sit around complaining about not having them"

my scarred mate (book three) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now