25) Ashley

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Its been a while since me and austin had sex. Who could have sex during this time anyway? Were in the middle of a war!

But austins been noticing my movements, and sooner or later im going to have to tell him about the kiss, even if it was years ago

"Seems like your distracted"

"I have alot on my mind"



"Are you ok ash?"

"Yeah im fine its just somethings bothering me"

"What is it"

"I did something wrong"

"What did you do?"

"Eight years ago -"

"Your telling something you did eight years ago? Are you serious?"

"Yes because its been killing me for eight years i feel like you should know"

"What is it?"

"I kissed someone eight Years ago"

He just started at me like i grown two heads

"And you wait eight years to tell me thats great"

"Austin it didnt mean anything"

"Than why are you just now telling me huh? If it was nothing why didnt you tell me before"

"I was afraid of what you'll do"

"You should be because im going to kill him"



"It was eight years ago"

"I've been faithful since day one"

"Ok im sorry, what do you want me to do"

"Nothing..nothing at all"


"Has anyone seen destiny!" Coles barks from the hallway

Everything has been rough lately, starting with me finding out my baby sister was raped for three years, to my niece interacting with some unknown men, and my mate hating me

'Maybe you should have told him'

'Shut up'

'Im just saying, he's hurt'

' i dont know what to do'

'Talk to him'

'I tried!'

'Make him listen, you caused this Ashley! Fix it'


"God i cant believe she's gone again!"

"I mean nicole did expose her deepest secret"

"Because she thought it was the right thing to do" Nathan fired out

"We cant blame nicole, we all know destiny needs help, as her family its our job to make sure's she's safe and happy"

"Ashley..how are we suppose to do that when she's never here"

"I don't know tamira"

"When she gets back we need to have a family meeting and talk to her"


"Austin can i talk to you"

"Im not in the mood"

"Ummm...come on guys i gotta show yall sum"

I mind linked tamira and thanked her

"Im sorry ok"

"What point of not in the mood don't you understand"

"All of it"

"You think this is funny"

"Im sorry ok, when it happened it was off guard and i cut ties with him right then and there after it happened"


"Because i was scared"


"I was scared of losing you before i could even explain what i was feeling towards you...i felt the connection the first day i meet you, so when the kiss happened i didn't know how you would react so i kelp it to myself"

"You still should have told me"

"I know, this is all on me.but when i tell you i have been all yours for seven years. I cant even picture life with someone else"

"I believe you"

"Do you forgive me?"

"If you promise no more shit"

"I promise"

He scooped me up in his arms

"This should be a good time to tell you about my infidelity also"

I pushed at his arms real quick

"The fuck you talking about? Infidelities? Don't fucking play with me"

"Ashley...i was just playing"

"Better be...i'll kill over you, you already got that monster"

"Is that right"

"Yea, you fucked up when you gave me the dick, aint no other bitch finna experience this"

"I love you ashley"

"I love you too austin"

"There's just one more question i gotta ask"


"What was his name?"


"How did you know him?"

"Me and tamira went out for drinks and i meet him then"




"Awww look at the happy couple, having an argument are we?"

"Nice to know you can stop by destiny"

"Mhh...sarcasm doesn't look good on you babe"

"Coles been looking for you"

"When isnt he?"

"Maybe if you dont wonder off"

"Wonder off?dont you have an active mind...lemme go face cole"

"And take a bath...you stink"

"Really? What do smell like"

"Ass and sweat"

"You play to much"

"Im not playing now bye"

She walked upstairs

"When is she going to get herself together"

"I dont know...hopefully soon"

my scarred mate (book three) (completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang