Chapter 9.1: Ep 4/1

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You're right there, standing beside me.

I never even dreamed

Tinn mumbled singing along to the melodious song. Coincidentally, this is the song that has been on his playlist for days. A few days ago, Tiw suddenly sent him a video of Gun performing this song in his mother's shop. And how natural, this song kept hanging around in his mind day by day. The image of Gun in a school uniform, sitting with a guitar and singing under the flashing neon lights, seems to have appeared in his dreams. In that beautiful dream, Tinn seemed to go back to the beginning of 10th grade, when he was still wearing thick glasses. He played the role of a silent spectator sitting in the stands, silently watching the beautiful singer shine on stage.

That I'd met you in the middle of the millions of people in the city

Without even having to search for anyone when you possess me

In the midst of this bustling city of people, what is the probability that two strangers could meet each other, and what is the probability that they could have the same heartbeat? This moment, like the lyrics of that song, time seems to stand still, and this city is no longer lonely. Or rather, it was because of the person in front of him that made him feel as though the city in his heart was no longer lonely.

Tinn wondered if this feeling was completely normal. Not only did time stop before that soothing voice, but so did his heartbeat. Every word that escaped from Gun's lips was like a soft feather, gradually filling up, then engulfing Tinn in a dreamy sea of soft cotton.

Turns out there really is such a thing as falling in love after listening to a song. Tinn did not even realize that the corner of his mouth had already curled up when staring at Gun.

When the last note played, Tinn heard his dangling heart drop to the ground.

"I know you don't like me yet."

Gun gazed at him with a determined expression. Gun's eyes were so clear and full of hope, but Tinn could not promise him too much. Tinn probably would not do this much if he still did not have some feelings for Gun. But this kind of feeling arrived at an inopportune time. And he was afraid that whether Gun's feelings for him were liking or more than that.

"Gun, I haven't said anything yet." Tinn hesitated to touch Gun's hand, he did not want to make Gun misunderstand his feelings.

"No, you don't have to say anything."

Gun shook his head, his hand getting out of Tinn's hand. He then was one who took Tinn's hand, instead. Gun wanted to give him the surest affirmation, that he really meant this, not just some irresponsible idle talk. His other hand grabbed Tinn's shoulder and softly squeezed.

It's okay Tinn, I'm here. Even if the student council forbids you from dating, I can wait until you go to university. Even if your university still forbids you, I can wait until you graduate and get a job. It's just, please do not let the two of us go back to being strangers again.

I know now you probably have so many obstacles in your life right now that you do not have time and mind to think about love. Then just let me wait, wait until all this is over and you can look at me again. No matter how long it takes, without a doubt, I'll wait.

"I can wait." He put his hand on Tinn's head and gently patted it.

Tinn still did not seem to understand what he meant. What Gun wanted to wait for, was he meant to wait for Tinn to gradually fall in love with him? But love is not something that will come to us if we wait.

Tinn's stable gaze made Gun's ears turn red, and he could not hide his passionate feelings, because the person standing in front of him was Tinn.

Tinn's phone growled, freeing Gun from the oppressive feeling of not being able to face his crush.

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