Chapter 15.3: Ep 7/2

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"Please! Tinn. I'm begging you, just listen to me once."

A voice mixed with sobs spoke up. It's Gun's voice, but he knew these sounds were not coming from his own mouth.

He saw someone who looked exactly like him, maybe a little shorter than him, with short, neatly cut hair similar to the one he had in tenth grade. The boy slung his backpack over his shoulder and stood in front of Tinn, seemingly blocking his way. The "smaller Gun" rubbed his eyes and cried loudly in the middle of the school gate.

Tinn stood on the opposite side, still with his goofy hair and recognizable round glasses, holding a box of brownies with a pretty bow tie. Standing in front of a crying Gun, Tinn remained calm and quiet, despite how many eyes were around the two of them.

Tinn watched Gun's cold tears fall down his chin and his neck, expressionlessly.

"Can you please not accept her brownie?"

Gun hiccuped each word in tears.

Everyone around started laughing as they recognized that it was the idiot always coming after Tinn.

Gun didn't care about the commotion outside, only Tinn in his eyes.

But in Tinn's eyes, there was no him.

It's okay, it's okay.

Gun heard the voice in the other Gun 's head speak.

He dimly realized, maybe this was a piece of some fragmented memory, among the countless loops he had gone through.

It's okay, it's okay.

Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

Tinn shoved one hand in his pocket, seemingly helpless and fed up with this person.

"What do you mean?" Tinn asked coolly, trying to communicate with the eccentric as casually as possible, "Why can't I accept her brownie?"

Tinn has a bright and handsome appearance, so he has always been noticed and pursued by many people. But since entering high school, this is the object of stalking him most openly and shamelessly.

In Tinn's impression, Gun was a classmate and a member of the music club.

There's nothing else.

Well, actually still. Another impression.

The impression that this boy was clinging to him everywhere in every day, waiting outside the student council room, the crossword club room, or even at the restroom door.

A troublesome stalker.

Both Tiw and his mother voiced their desire to use other methods to get rid of this stalker. However, Tinn does not want things to become more complicated or affect Gun's side.

Anyway, Gun is still young dumb and he hasn't done any harm to Tinn , other than being a little annoying.

But today, Gun was extremely rude when he interrupted a conversation between Tinn and a girl classmate, just because that girl gave Tinn a brownie box.

Tinn is a polite person so he just gently thanked her and took it, but Gun ran out of nowhere and yelled that he couldn't accept the brownie and dragged him away.

Normally, Gun would just follow Tinn to find a way to talk to him, or at best send him a letter that he would never open to read. But today, Gun exceeded his limit.

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