Chapter 13.3: Ep 6/2

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To this day, Tinn still cannot determine whether it is right or wrong for him to open those letters.

Still, it seemed the universe told him to do this, more than anything else.

Not in the mood to spend all night at the student council warehouse curiously searching for Gun's letters, Tinn then was stupefied when he had to rummage through his seemingly familiar room in search of misplaced letters.

As if he wasn't the owner of this place.

The content in each letter has many similarities, all of which are Gun's tragic pleas for Tinn. Tinn's heart quieted when he read the words that were soulless but filled with sadness. Each letter will have a slightly different content, perhaps due to a discrepancy in time. There are letters that have turned pale yellow, there are letters that are slightly blurred for some reason.

The clear lines of each letter reminded him that maybe things would have been better if it had all been a prank.

Tinn had hoped so.

He accepted being teased by Gun rather than having to accept these things as fact. But more than anyone, he understood that both his mind and his heart were leaning in the opposite direction.

Tinn found himself experiencing the calmest moment of his life when he was able to quietly ponder and organize his letters over time.

"Tinn! I'm Gun here.

Even though we only met on the day of admission in high school, you have to believe me. I know this sounds crazy but I traveled back in time from 12th grade to the beginning of 10th grade. I couldn't tell you about this directly. Because once I do, the loop will return. I'm so confused and nervous just like you, but please believe me. I don't know why this happened to me either. If you read this, please meet me at...

Your Chinzhilla baby"

"Tinn! I'm Gun here.

Could you please not be stubborn and accept my letters? I couldn't help but tell you directly in the former loop, but then things returned before I could hear your answer. If you don't believe me I can prove it. In the future you will join the crossword club, the student council and even become the school president. Believe me, we are lovers. I know this sounds crazy but I traveled back in time from 12th grade to the beginning of 10th grade. Please read the letter and believe me...

Your forgot Chinzhilla baby"

"Tinn! I'm Gun here.

I don't know how many times I've been back. All because you didn't read my letter. Doing the same thing over and over again drives me crazy. However, I discovered, it seems that as long as I spend time in each loop a little longer, the next loop I can return to a time a little closer to reality. I know this sounds crazy but I traveled back in time from 12th grade to the middle of 10th grade. Please read the letter and believe me...

Your handsome boyfriend"

"Tinn! I'm Gun here.

I'm so scared. It seems that the more times I repeat these loops, not only does the time of going back to the past get closer to the present, but I also gradually forget what happened in those previous loops. This time it took me a week to remember that I was in a loop, not just traveling back in time. I'm afraid that if I continue like this in the next loop, I'll forget everything. I know this sounds crazy but I traveled back in time from 12th grade to the end of 10th grade. Please read the letter and believe me...

Your boyfriend"

"Tinn! I'm Gun here.

I'm surprised that this time we were already in 11th grade. Is it possible that if I just go back a few more times, I can return to our reality? But why don't you like me yet? I'm so scared. I'm afraid to return to the reality where you never loved me. Sounds crazy right, but this time it took me a whole month to remember that I was in a loop. I'm scared, Tinn. I'm afraid I'll forget that we're lovers. I know this sounds crazy but I traveled back in time from 12th grade to the beginning of 11th grade. Please read the letter and believe me...

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