Chapter 6.3: Ep 2/2

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He saw Tinn on his knees on the ground, looking him straight in the eye.

"Gun, can you sit here alone?"

Gun shook his head absently, then seeing Tinn's frown, he quickly nodded. But Tinn seemed to be even more depressed, the heads of his eyebrows were tightly knit together almost into a straight line.

The trembling Gun reached out and softly stroked the tips of Tinn's eyebrows, trying to make them dilate. He heard the sound of his sincerity.

"Tinn, I'm not going here drinking and having fun."

"I know." Tinn replied airily, as if he did not pay much attention to that thing.

"So please don't be mad at me."

Don't be mad at me. Don't leave me. Don't ignore me. Don't despise me.

Please hug me. Please pat me. Please kiss me. Please love me.

Tinn did not say anything, his facial muscles had gradually relaxed a little, he tenderly grabbed the hand that was on his forehead.

"Listen, Gun. I need you to sit here for the next ten minutes. Can you do it?"

Gun tugged Tinn's jacket slightly higher, nodding obediently.

Satisfied, Tinn nodded, he carefully reminded.

"You have to hold your phone firmly. If you need to, just give me a call, okay? And most importantly, you're not allowed to fall asleep here."

"I know" Gun confirmed solidly, but actually in his mind was thinking of how to contact the proprietor, maybe he had to go down to the first floor again to find him, or else his deposit would be lost.

One thing that Gun did not know was that his thoughts were clearly visible on his face and eyes. Tinn shook his head helplessly, reaching out to the nape of his neck and gently grasping it, forcing him to look directly at himself.

"No, Gun. I repeat, you have to stay here. If you go anywhere, I'll be really mad at you."

Gun gulped, Tinn's gaze digging into his eyes, so deep that he felt like he was being pierced by that gaze.

He nodded instinctively, receiving a soft pat on the back of his neck.

"Good job, kid." Tinn smiled "By the way, you put too much wax in your hair."


Por had been staring at the music sheet for an hour. The text message that he wanted Tiw to come back early to eat barbecue has been typed and deleted a thousand times already. But he did not want his stupid sensibilities to affect Tiw's tutoring and his student council work.

He did not lose any faith in his boyfriend. He knew, in terms of boyfriends, Tiw really had nothing to complain about. He wanted nothing more from this boyfriend. But that's why he has a bit of useless fear, a bit of selfish jealousy for those who fall in love for the first time.

And so he texted Gun, even though he did not know that Gun was already on the stage singing or not, but the frustration and boredom in his body prompted him to find someone to confide in.

"Gun, have you been on stage yet?"

It appeared as though Gun had struck gold upon seeing this message. He was originally sitting alone quite bored, but when Por texted him, he remembered that he had someone to chat to.

"Not yet. It's so crowded here, I haven't found the proprietor yet."

Gun wondered if he should tell Por about Tinn, as such a thing many people knew did not sound very good. Because it seems that even Tiw did not know about Tinn was going to work here, otherwise he would definitely tell Por, and Por would surely tell him or at all costs prevent him from coming to work here.

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