Chapter 15.2: Ep 7/2

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Gun lowered his head and moved to the rear of the clownfish tank. His unfinished happiness shattered and plummeted to the ground. Right now, he just wished he could turn into a little fish that could only swim around, ending his suffering from this reality.

Gun knew that Tinn would never be ashamed of dating him, but deep down, Gun felt guilty that he had indirectly prevented Tinn from participating in the election, and now could still carry his cheering face to the aquarium with Tinn as if nothing had happened.

It's shameless.

It wasn't that those whispering words could easily affect Gun's thoughts and moods, but rather, it aroused the unease that had always lingered in his heart.

No matter what the circumstances, Tinn is always the one who stands behind him silently supporting everything for him. He was always like a little fish sheltered under the strong shoulders of the majestic coral reef.

Gun didn't want to cry, but he felt frustrated and angry, the tile floor under the soles of his shoes kept being obscured by tears of regret in his eye sockets.

Tinn's beautiful fingers lifted his chin slightly, letting him face him. Gun clenched his teeth and acted as calm as possible.

Tinn studied his face for a moment, his warm hand gently squeezing Gun's cheeks, making his lips pout like a fish about to release a bubble.

"How lucky," Tinn mused.

He squeezed the rosy cheeks gently once, letting the soft flesh spill between his fingers, smooth as melted butter.

"How lucky you're not a fish." Tinn's fingertips quickly blocked the tears that were forming at the corners of Gun's eyes. "Otherwise I wouldn't know when you were crying."

Tinn doesn't want Gun to be a fish, doesn't want his tears to quietly melt into the cold sea.

Gun's tears, whether happy or sad, will have to be wiped away and comforted by him. His joys and sorrows, forever treasures in Tinn's museum of emotions.

"I want to be a shark." Gun's plump pink lips moved when his cheeks were still squeezed, so cute that Tinn had to laugh.

"Sharks, they may bite you"

Tinn slightly relaxed his hand while squeezing Gun's cheek to gently caress and comfort his soft cotton cheeks, then took the opportunity to place a quick kiss on his lips like lightning.

"But I like you, no bite"

Gun's eyes widened in shock. Did Tinn just... kiss him?


"What" Tinn pretended to exclaim "I can't kiss you?"

Gun laughed at Tinn's childishness. Basically, it's not a kiss, it's obviously just a touch. A quick touch.

"So you're happy now" Tinn smiled, pulled Gun closer to him, and leaned down to whisper in his ear "It's our date, just focus on me, alright?"

Gun nodded, and Tinn dragged him to the next ocean.


Sound felt his head throbbing. He seemed to have fainted and woke up again with Win's screams mixed with cursing from afar.

A torrent of cold water rushed over his head.

Sound stroked his face and coughed.

"Wake up? I thought you were dead."

Hall threw the bucket in his hand and Sound's body caught him off guard. The plastic bucket hit his chest wall and rolled to the side.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Sound spat out a mouthful of water, slamming his hands on the ground and crawling up.

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