Chapter 15.1: Ep 7/2

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Warning: Violence/Uncomfortable sexual scene.
Names in italic refer to the person themselves in another loop.


Today was the second day of the school term break, the student council still has a final review meeting and the task of checking whether the clubrooms has been thoroughly cleaned before the break.

As a result of the controversial scandal, Tinn was suspended from student council work for two weeks, and this for Tinn was nothing more than an even more fulfilling vacation.

Tiw therefore became the main person in charge of taking over the student council within the next fortnight, causing him to put aside all plans to go on a date with Por. Because the school president election takes place from the end of the first term to the beginning of the second term, Tiw advised Tinn that he should wait for the one week break between the two terms to pass, so that maybe things would gradually calm down or they might find another alternative.

But Tinn refused.

"I want to spend my time on truly important things."

At that moment, Tinn's steadfast and rational eyes successfully persuaded Tiw.

But Tiw was not sure if those words could convince Tinn's mother.

Once again, Tiw misjudged.

He had always considered Tinn's mother as the principal of their school, not Tinn's mother.

It is true that she wants her son to become the school president, because this title will greatly assist in Tinn's application process to medical faculty. But after all, she is also a mother who cannot stand by and watch her child suffer the insults of others.

She agreed with Tinn's withdrawal from the election, but still privately told Tiw to coordinate the investigation to find the sabotage to restore her son's innocence.

Tinn did not want to expose Illus. To him, it was a fair exchange, as Illus was the one who needed an admission letter to a prestigious university, and Tinn needed the money.

But that does not mean that those behind the sabotage plot also deserve to be ignored and covered up like that. Especially those who hurt Gun, one way or another, over and over again.

Tiw sighed, it was clear that he and Tinn both had their own answers in mind, they just could not believe it, or wanted to give the perpetrator a chance to repent.


Kajorn is always on time and extremely passionate about his work. The student council's vacation duty was completely voluntary, and Kajorn was certainly a member who was never absent.

At first, Tiw was worried that Kajorn would have a different view of Tinn. Whatever the case, Kajorn is one of Tinn's most devoted and favourite juniors in the student council, and in return Kajorn also has a huge admiration for Tinn. He considers Tinn as a shining example of his life and always listens to Tinn's words. The incident that broke out probably more or less affected Kajorn's mind.

But on the contrary, Kajorn showed Tiw that he was worried in vain. This boy was smart and sharp enough to realize Tinn's motives behind the cheating.

"P'Tinn is a man of integrity. I will admire P'Tinn forever."

Tiw remembered Kajorn's fierce words and laughed, seeing that the voluntary members had gathered, he began to assign each one a different task.

After the end of a semester, there are probably still many clubs that have not had time to clean up their rooms after hours of partying. Tiw understood this, so he did not send Kajorn to check the cleanliness of the clubrooms, but only asked him to clean up the documents as well as summarize the activities of the past semester to announce on the forum as well as the bulletin board.

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