-Preference 1, Kisses-

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👉 https://www.google.com/amp/s/dia-den.tumblr.com/post/140997202639/soi-started-far-cry-primalits-everything-i/amp 👈

POV: How kisses/a first kiss go with the FarCry Primal characters.

-Spoilers? For Karoosh's last story mission


Your first kiss with Takkar would be after fighting off the Udam from Wenja. You got hurt and we're trying to stay alive and heal yourself, so focused that you didn't hear Takkar trampling through the village, looking for you. When he finally found you, he ran towards you, grabbing your upper arms, looking over you for wounds. When he didn't see anything else except for the one, he smiled before resting his hand on your chin, pulling you lips together. The kiss was passionate and full of emotion.


Takkar, Dalso, and you were hunting together while the rest of your group set up camp for the night. He accidentally tripped and fell down a hill that you all didn't see. Takkar and you started to make your way down, but wolves ambushed the two of you, Takkar pushing you out of the way as he lit his spear on fire. When you reached Dalso, he was barely conscious and confused, most likely with a head injury. You kissed his forehead while making a concoction of herbs to help his pain, while he waited, watching you with sad eyes. When you have him the medicine, he thanked you with a peck to your lips, brief but genuine.


It was after she sent you out on an expedition, looking for rare north yellow leaves. When you returned, she ran over to you, jumping into your arms. She smiled at you, and hugged you, enjoying your presence, something she missed more than she thought she would. The two of you went to go and use the leaves to make things for the village. It was after you finished crushing them that she tilted your head up, bending down to reach your lips, as you were seated while she was standing.


Your first kiss with the shaman was after he sent you on a vision journey. The journey was very heartbreaking, you watched the mutilation of animals by the Udam, and you couldn't handle it. When he brought you back, the two of you laid down on the floor of his hut, his hand caressing your cheek, rubbing the tears away. He gently slid himself towards you, you met him halfway, kissing each other deeply, and full of sorrow.


Your first kiss was when he came back from killing Mog with Takkar. You were in the camp with Manoo, talking about what the villagers needed when the sound of running started to sound from the entrance to the village. One of the scouts told everyone that Takkar and Karoosh were back from the north, you bid your farewells to Manoo before running to the entrance of the village. It was then that you saw Karoosh, and without another thought, you ran and slammed yourself into his embrace. He picked you up and spun you before kissing you. The kiss was passionate and exchanged emotion that words couldn't convey. It was then that Karoosh knew you were the one for him.


You had spent the day with other Wenja helping Roshani till the fields for seeds. You finished and wiped sweat off of your forehead, not knowing that Roshani was right behind you. He hugged you from behind, before kissing your cheek. You turned around and kissed him, your hands snaking to the back of his neck. The steamy session was stopped by Takkar throwing a seed at you, trying to anger and mess with Roshani.


Woga had just taught you how to use the gripping claw, the two of you were resting in a field, talking about random things. He noticed that you were looking at him weirdly, he rolled over and turned towards you, confused as to what you'd want. When you kissed his cheek, he used his hand to move your face so that your lips aligned. The kiss was short yet desperate and loving.


You were sitting with Dah, helping him treat his skull fires, as they were getting worse since he was brought to Wenja. Takkar gave you the bone dust, but it seemed to wear off quickly. You were trying to keep his mind off of it, talking about anything you could think of when you felt his hand on your shoulder. When you turned to him, the only thing you comprehendes was his lips against yours. The kiss was affectionate and full of love, and well as gratitude for you.


Manoo was a rather quiet man, but he seemed to like you. The two of you would hang out a lot, which formed not only a platonic bond between you, but also a romantic one. Neither of you acted on your feelings, until one quiet night in the Wenja village. Manoo asked to talk to you about something, where he led you to a secluded place and then professed his love for you, the confession ending with a short but sweet kiss.


Your first kiss was after he tried to fly like a bird. You ran over to the pile of hay, hoping that he was alive and alright. When you heard a grunt, you tore through the pile, finally grabbing his head. You smacked him, and called him stupid for doing something so reckless. He apologized, kissing your shoulder gently, not realizing how much his tests affected you. You forgave him, only after sharing a kiss.


You were hunting with Jayma and a few others, trying to track down some deer for the village. You didn't notice the badger sneaking up behind you, as your sights were set on a pair of deer traversing through the forest. The badger started to bite you, trampling over you, making you fall, and scaring off the deer. You dropped your bow, so you were punching the badger in an attempt to get it off of you. It only stopped after Jayma plunged a dagger into it's head, she quickly helped you up and dusted you off, before hugging you, obviously worried. You smiled and thanked her for her concern before kissing her gently and continuing on with you hunting trip.


Batari was stressing over the Wenja, because they had recently taken one of their outposts. She was pacing through her room in her temple when you walked in. You walked over to her, rubbing circles into her shoulders, attempting to keep her calm. She smiled at you, and kissed your cheek, before continuing to think. You tried to distract her once more by tilting her chin, and kissing her again.


You were making clothing for the Udam when one of Ull's advisors told you that Ull had summoned you. When you walked into his cave, you saw him and his daughter talking. You smiled and waved at them, walking over. He wrapped his arm around you as he told his daughter another hunting story. When he finished, he kissed his daughter's forehead, and then kissed your lips, complimenting you after.

Completed July 23, 2023. ¡Hola todos! I've been having a writer's block lately, so chapters haven't been churning as much as I want them to, but I still have ideas and I haven't given up! I also decided to remove Mog from the character list because I feel as though I don't have enough information on him to truly understand him and make him as dynamic of a character as I want him to be. That being said, I hope you enjoy this first chapter, and there will be many more to come! Love y'all! 🫶


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