-Oneshot 2, Another Udam?🖤-

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👉 https://farcry.fandom.com/wiki/Dah 👈


👉 http://speakingprimal.blogspot.com/p/warshta-lexicon.html?m=1 👈

Timeline: After Takkar saves Dah from Sayla and the other Wenja

Character Pairing: Dah x UDAM!F/r (Female Reader)

Quick summary: To Sayla, letting one Udam into the Wenja Village was bad enough, but two?! At least this one isn't as annoying as Dah.

-Third Person-

A rainy day it was throughout Oros, the Izila were growing their crops and the Udam were hunting; but the Wenja, they were kidnapping. Takkar, the unnamed chief of the newly blossoming Wenja Tribe kidnapped the former commander of the Big Darwa Fort, Dah.

This alone was enough to send his companion, Salyla, into madness and cause a split between the village. But then he brought another Udam, a female this time, who he found on the verge of death after being mauled by a pack of wolves, the rest of her companions dead, and she would've surely been next had he not healed her and brought her back to the village.

-First Person, F/r POV-

I don't remember much after the attack, just that my eyes were covered by someone, and this person took me somewhere warmer. We were resting now, since the air was cooler I assumed it was dark, but there was a warm light in front of me. I couldn't see the person, I could hear them sharpening a blade, each drag that the stone made against the shard was enough to make my head ache again. I shuddered from the pain that enveloped me whole, most prominent by my ribs and left thigh.

"Higra, malna Údam," (Awake, filthy Udam) the person spoke to me, seeming to believe that I was asleep. Their voice was deep, which made me believe that they were a man.

"Kway?" (Who?) My voice was hoarse, and my throat stung, but I spoke, "Kwadi? Ta Údam?" (Why? Are you an Udam?) .

"San, mu Wénjax. Mara hu-wana pardal, pacha ta, walna." (No, I'm Wenja. I was hunting down leopards and I saw you, injured.) He spoke softly, his voice getting louder as he stepped towards me. The fire that once separated us crackled as he inched foreword. I tried to push myself back, which is when I noticed my arms were bound too. "Miyi nashman Takkar. Tiyi, kway nashman?" (My name is Takkar. What is your name?").

"F/r," I inhaled, feeling as my throat set in fire, and made my eyes water, "gwarshta." (Thank you). To which I received a grunt in return. I listened to Takkar as he walked away from me, to go and kick something. I assumed he was putting out the fire, which made me remember how hot I was, as I was still wearing clothes for the North. "Takkar? Um sakwi, tapi." (Takkar? Help me, I'm hot.)

I didn't hear anything for a minute, until I felt his hands on my chest, trying to remove the animal skins that I had covering my body. I groaned slightly, but I rolled over so he could help me. He removed the main skins that I had covering me, and the pants that I had made as well. I felt him wrap something around my naked waist, which felt like a short skirt. And around my chest he kept leaves and medicine, before putting a thin skin on top of them.

"Ku ta su?" (Are you okay?) he asked me, it made me smile that he was so kind to me, even though he should've killed me by now.

"Hasam, gwarshta." (I'm okay, thanks). I felt him roll me into my side again, and then he patted my head, before leaving me to fall asleep.

-Time Skip, The Morning-

"F/r?" I woke to Takkar pressing my shoulder, trying to wake me up. I grunted, letting him know I was conscious, before he put something on my lips. "Pafi." (Drink). I obeyed, and felt the cool water as it flooded my mouth, and then throat. I felt him put the water away, before lifting something else up, and then he walked back over to me.

"BA! PAZDA!" (AH! SHIT!) I felt him lift me, the cuts on my thighs and chest tugging, causing my entire body to ache. He held me in his arms, explaining that he was taking me to his village.

-Time Skip, When They Reach Wenja-

"San, san Údam, sashti akistar!" (No, no more Udam, we have enough enemies!) I heard a woman speak, her voice was full of rage as she grew closer, pushing me out of Takkar's grasp.

"BA?!" (HEY?!) I yelled as I fell, not noticing that someone removed the rope that bound my hands together, I tried to push myself off of the ground onto my knees, but I was stopped by a shoe.

"Sayla, shanchi, F/r gwifa! San gwana." (Sayla, stop, F/r is a life. No killing.)

"KAKA HADA!" (Eat shit) The woman, presumably the Sayla person, yelled on top of me before removing her shoe, and walking off.

My eye covering was removed, and I sat up, taking in my surroundings. I was in a Wenja village, being watched by almost everyone there, the children were gawking at me. A man stepped in front of me, holding out his hand.

"Cha." (Here) he lifted me to my feet, watching intently as I realized that he was Takkar. He walked me over to a cave, allowing me to lean on him because of my thigh.

We went in the cave, the only light from burning animal fat. There was no one else in the cave except for the occasional Wenja, I didn't expect anything else. He stopped walking when we reached a hut. I was confused when I saw the animal head and the blood on the canvas, it looked too much like an Udam tent, until a tall and brutish man walked out.

"Smarka Dah. Prakuspas, pacha Udam gwani, sharta. N-ha gwasha cha." (Hello Dah. Last night, I saw an Udam woman who was injured. I escorted her here.) Takkar spoke to the Udam man, who I recognized immediately. Dah, commander of the Big Darwa Fort, the camp that protected invaders from the Udam homelands. I remember my mother talking about the Wenja invading the camp, apparently Ull was not happy about that.

"Udam gwani, cha gwam," (Udam woman, come here,) Dah ushered me foreword, staring me down intently as I walked over to him. "Smarka malshasar." (Bye softblood.) Dah spoke to Takkar, waving him off as he put a hand on my shoulder and led me into his hut.

Completed August 8, 2023. Smarkaka! How are we all? This is my first time creating a oneshot using Wenja language created by the game developers, and it took me forever! Some of the grammar/sentence makeup is not correct, and for that I apologize, but I tired my best. There will definitely be a part 2 to this oneshot, and I'm planning on keeping the dialogue the same. I don't know if I'm going to make all dialogue Wenja/Izila or if I'm going to keep it as English, I most likely will do a mixture of both. Please let me know what you think! And I'll see you in the next one 🫶


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