-Oneshot 1, The Advisor🔥-

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👉 https://farcry.fandom.com/wiki/Batari 👈

Timeline: After Takkar and Batari's first meeting

Pairing: Batari X Male Reader (Romantic)

Quick Summary: You help Batari unwind in her temple after meeting Takkar

-First Person, M/R's POV-

I walked through the halls of the Sun Daughter's Temple, a commander alerted us that the Wenja tried to take another outpost, and I was told to alert her. I couldn't find her anywhere, I asked my subordinates if any of them had seen her, but I only received shrugs or simple 'I don't knows'.

When walking through the main entrance, however, I saw Priestess Batari out of the corner of my eye, she was seated on the ground, her head in her hands.

"Sun Daughter? Are you alright?" I walked over and sat down next to her, placing my hands on her shoulders.

She looked up at me, dried tear stains and ruined paint distracted from the distressed and sorrowful expression on her face. She spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, "I'm fine, go."

"I'm afraid I can't, Sun Daughter. I have to be the bearer of bad news," I lifted her chin slightly, so that we were eye level with each other, "I'm afraid that the Wenja attempted to take the Payska River Outpost."

"What?" Batari's expression turned more sour, obviously becoming annoyed over the Wenja inhabitants. "What did they do? Did they succeed?"

"No, my priestess. There were five of them, led by Takkar, Wenja's supposed 'Beast Master'. They attacked from the southeast, killed ten of our warriors, and wounded twelve. The commander called reinforcements and they were able to fend them off. We have supplied the outpost with more warriors, another commander, and supplies to created a more dense wall. Is there anything else I should do, my priestess?" I informed her of the incident, keeping it both brief but detailed.

She smiled at me slightly, and placed her hand on top of mine, "No, you've done well. I thank you."

"Of course," I bowed my head slightly, smiling to myself, "it's the least I could do as your advisor. May I ask you a question, my priestess?"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Are you alright?" I felt her tense under me, I want to help her, but to do so, I need to know the problem.

"Yes, I'm alright. It's just, Krati. He haunts me, I can feel his presence, he's getting closer. I can feel him in Takkar, he scares me." She looked around as she spoke, quieting her voice.

"Is there anything I could do for you? To help you?" I asked her, she stared at me confused for a minute, and then she smiled.

"Come. I have an idea." She stood quickly, grabbing one of my hands, before walking deeper into her temple, reaching her private bathroom.

We walked into the room, I was looking around at the ornate details, as I had never been in there before. I watched as she removed her wrist wraps, and her upper garments. She took off her shoes before turning to me, "Join me," she smiled before removing her necklace and head garment, placing them to the side of the circular pool of warm water that was in the center of the room. She removed her skirt as I took off my lower clothing, before walking over to the pool with her. She sank into the pool, a small cloud of light blue paint came off with her, the same happening to me as I followed her in.

We stayed in the pool together, I massaged her back, and comforted her, listening to her pour her heart out to me. She was very kind, her usual fiery and brash temper disappearing completely as she spoke. Although I am her most trusted confidant, something about this encounter felt more, personal. Maybe even romantic, but who am I to judge.

Completed July 23, 2023. Hallo! How are we all doing? I'm finally feeling better, no more writers block for me 💪. I hope you enjoy this one, and I'll see you in the next one! Tootles!


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